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PimpingYourSpace.com Rules! Description: Virgo! About Your Sign... Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.But the outward lack of feeling may, in some individuals born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving way because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. This is because they are conscious of certain shortcomings in themselves of worldliness, of practicality, of sophistication and of outgoingness. So they bring the art of self concealment to a high pitch, hiding their apprehensiveness about themselves and their often considerable sympathy with other people under a mantle of matter-of-factness and undemonstrative, quiet reserve. They are still waters that run deep. Yet in their unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable fashion, they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty, with a good understanding of other people's problems which they can tackle with a practicality not always evident in their own personal relationships.Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, making good spouses and parents, but their love making is a perfection of technique rather than the expression of desire, and they must be careful not to mate with a partner whose sex drive requires a passion they cannot match.They are intellectually enquiring, methodical and logical, studious and teachable. They combine mental ingenuity with the ability to produce a clear analysis of the most complicated problems. They have an excellent eye for detail but they may be so meticulous that they neglect larger issues. Also, although they are realists, they may slow down projects by being too exact. They are practical with their hands, good technicians and have genuine inventive talents, Thoroughness, hard work and conscientiousness are their hallmarks, and they are such perfectionists that, if things go wrong, they are easily discouraged. Because of their ability to see every angle of a many-sided question, they are unhappy with abstract theorizing. Appreciating the many different points of view as they do, they find philosophical concepts difficult, and they vacillate and have no confidence in any conclusions at which they arrive.With these qualities, they are better as subordinates than leaders. Responsibility irks them and they often lack the breadth of strategic vision that a leader needs Virgoans are essentially tacticians, admirable in the attainment of limited objectives. Their self distrust is something they project on to other people and tends to make them exacting employers, though in the demands they make on those under them they temper this attitude with justice. They have potential abilities in the arts, sciences and languages. Language especially they use correctly, clearly, consciously and formally, as grammarians and etymologists rather than for literary interests, yet they are likely to have a good memory for apt quotations. Although they are well suited for careers in machine drawing, surveying and similar occupations, they are better fitted for a job in a library or office than a workshop.Their minds are such that they need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. They are careful with money and their interest in statistics makes them excellent bookkeepers and accountants. They also make good editors, physicists and analytical chemists. They may also find success as welfare workers, ministering to those less fortunate than themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries, technologists, inspectors, musicians, critics, public speakers and writers especially of reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years. If they go in for a business career their shrewdness and analytical ingenuity could tempt them into dishonesty, though they usually have enough moral sense to resist temptation. Female Virgoans may find a career in fashion, for they have a flair for dress, in which they can be trend setters. In any profession they choose the natives of this sign readily assimilate new ideas, but always with caution, conserving what they consider worth keeping from the past. They love country life but are unlikely to make good farmers, unless they can contrive to carry out their work without outraging their sense of hygiene and cleanliness.Their faults, as is usual with all zodiacal types, are the extremes of their virtues. Fastidious reticence and modesty become old-maidishness and persnicketiness; balanced criticism becomes carping and nagging; and concern for detail becomes overspecialization. Virgoans are liable to indecision in wider issues and this can become chronic, turning molehills of minor difficulties into Himalayas of crisis. Their prudence can become guile and their carefulness, turned in on themselves, can produce worriers and hypochondriacs.Possible Health Concerns...Virgo is said to govern the hands, abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. Illnesses to which its natives are prone include catarrh, cold, coughs, pleurisies, pneumonia and nervous instabilities. Their natures make them inclined to worry and this makes them vulnerable to stomach and bowel troubles, including colic and ulcers. Male Virgoans may have trouble with their sexual organs. Both sexes are strongly interested in drugs and esoteric cuisine and as their delicate stomachs require them to be careful about their diet, it is essential that they treat their fascination with exotic food with extreme care.LIKES Health foods Lists Hygiene Order Wholesomeness DISLIKES Hazards to health Anything sordid Sloppy workers Squalor Being uncertainPROBLEMS THAT MAY ARISE FOR YOU, AND THEIR SOLUTIONSAs with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Virgo you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.Problem: Finding yourself frequently alone and unable to keep friends for more than a few weeks. Solution: Try not to be argumentative over much and the constant criticism that Virgos give to their companions are not endearing qualities to have. Try to live and let live, they will love you for it.Problem: People tend to avoid making close contact with you. Solution: Being too preoccupied with health and making it a continual topic of conversation. Try to keep your tips and suggestions about health and health products to yourself unless asked for them.Problem: Dissatisfied with the way your life is turning out; no excitement or change to speak of. Solution: You may be restricting yourself by reducing your life to a set of theories and pigeon-holes. Try to express the positive by first asking yourself, Who or what are you serving; are you devoted or are you enslaved. Answer those questions and then start a new path that includes your true worth.Problem: You may feel that your life and your climb to success is a steep hill that you may never be able to scale. Solution: Try expressing the positive traits of your finely tuned analytical reasoning, employing the light touch with employees and coworkers, while expressing genuine concern for all; You will find those mountains turning into hills that you run right over.. The Virgin is the entity that is associated with your sign. The Virgin imparts purity of intent to the actions of the persons born under the sign of Virgo.The colors for Virgo are GREEN AND DARK BROWNThe Scales September 24 to October 23 Traditional Libra TraitsDiplomaitic and urbane Romantic and charming Easygoing and sociable Idealistic and peaceableOn the dark side....Indecisive and changeable Gullible and easily infuenced Flirtatious and self-indulgeLibra! About Your Sign... Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality. Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle.In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.Possible Health Concerns...Libra governs the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. Its subjects must beware of weaknesses in the back, and lumbago, and they are susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, especially gravel and stone. They need to avoid overindulgence in food and especially drink, for the latter can particularly harm the kidneys.LIKES The finer things in life Sharing conviviality Gentleness DISLIKES Violence Injustice Brutishness Being a slave to fashionPROBLEMS THAT MAY ARISE FOR YOU, AND THEIR SOLUTIONSAs with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Libran you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.Problem: Finding yourself frequently trapped in situations that have no depth and little value to you or the other person. Solution: Try not to pretend feelings you do not have and find a way to back gracefully out of a superficial relationship; look before you leap.Problem: You find that you do not really like yourself and/or beating yourself up over not being able to please another. Solution: If you learn how to please yourself without depriving others, then you will be able to please someone else.Problem: The situations that make you ill at ease is only mildly irritating to another. Solution: Try to cultivate inner security through spiritual strength and awareness.Problem: Feeling like you are nothing: your actions being frustrating to others. Solution: Developing your feelings of self worth by expressing the positive in your nature and not letting your elitist, class consciousness show.
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The NNJ/NY Fans Of Bone Thugs And Harmony United! My City My Heritage I am laid back, I love a good sense of humor, I love music, I am Unique, Always was often Hated on because of it often Luved 4 it n have learned in life what people often people don't Appreciate in life and what may be different to them, can often further 1 in life later. I Luv being Creative. I am 99% like my astrology sign the Virgo. My two favorite music groups are Bone Thugs N Harmony and Duran Duran. *A True Child of the 80's* I Never Forget where I came from. When I Luv I Luv Deep n True. I enjoy Pogo and online games. I am down to earth , sociable, I like to keep it real and I don't like phony people. I try to be a honest and good person and I look for the same qualities in other people. I enjoy making friends and cherish my loved ones. I have been thinking about how I feel about my 2 favorite music groups 1 pop, n 1 being Rap and this is how I feel "My feelings for Duran Duran" I believe that when you love, that love never completely leaves you. "I believe a little part of you inside of me will never die" Your music was an escape for me for so many years of my youth. You were my only friend sometimes and my earliest inspiration. I feel I have moved on and grown but I will never forget you . Thank you for inspiring me to pursue some of my dreams. *Together we have grown and you will always be a part of me* "My love for Bone" I have so much love for Bone and Krayzie is my heart. Bone have been a very strong influence on me. Through their music I have learned to persevere and deal with my hardships. Through Bone I have l have been inspired and they have helped me to realize that there is a bright light at the end of every dark tunnel and to believe in my dreams. Bones music has kept me from losing my mind and has helped me stay focused when I am stressin n times are hard. Thank you for helping me be strong * You are my natural high* *You are my heart* *Bone Luv 4 Eva!* *Don't Hit Me Up If U R Fake* There are too many people on this site who only want to promote their business n make a buck, some who are never online anymore, some who think they are too good to leave me messages n or comments, or some of u just want to have a million friends on MySpace. I am starting to delete people from my friends circle here. I will not promote any1 who can't hit me up once in awhile just to send some well wishes my way. I don't need a dozen phonys. I leave people comments and expect the same in return. Phony people I don't care if I lose you because u never hit me up anyway unless u r trying to profit. I am sure the phonys know who they are. So if you are not Krayzie Bone or some1 else I look up to I don't care if some of u leave my circle n I have only a few friends PZ. Lyrics div style="text-align:center; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border:1px #999 dotted; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;" Is Your Myspace page pimpin?
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