This is for you. To hold you close, to keep you close to my heart. I'll scream it till your ears bleed. You'll always have a friend in me. I'm sorry that I split you open to keep warm between your arms, hands, heart and lungs. But we'll beat the clock black and blue, blood red to never give this up. And I'll be right here to help you sleep (to help me sleep). To keep you alive (to keep me alive) against all demons. To find hope in a smile, to keep holding tight forever when someone becomes everyone, when somewhere becomes everywhere. (Where you are and where you want to be.)
I don't care about your band, stop trying to add me.
Victory - Fang Chen
Spreta latet silvis pudibundaque frondibus ora protegit et solis ex illo vivit in antris; sed tamen haeret amor crescitque dolore repulsae; extenuant vigiles corpus miserabile curae, adducitque cutem macies, et in aëra sucus corporis omnis abit; vox tantum atque ossa supersunt: vox manet; ossa ferunt lapidis traxisse figuram. Inde latet silvis nulloque in monte videtur,omnibus auditur: sonus est, qui vivit in illa.