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OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA WORD UP! gO!BAMA 08! Bro-Bama for President 08! VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! But not for that W. Clone McCain-iac and Palin-dumbass. Please do the right thing and eradicate the worst regime in the history of our nation by voting for fresh blood. I LOVE OBAMA! Important news for Sat., Nov. 1: Brain Damage LIVE Pink Floyd Tribute @ the Field House @ Widener University in Chester Pa. Email me @ [email protected] for more info or check out the Friend's space in my Top Friends of: Brain Damage, or The Scene or CFOV. All are in my top 40. Please join us for this Floydian Trip. Brain Damage is extraordinary beyond belief and some exciting surprises are in store at the stadium show! ////"The Great Gig In The Sky"Brain Damage Live @ The CherryWood Rock Club TONIGHT Saturday Sept. 20I'll be at this show!In April, this band PACKED the historic 650- seat Colonial Theater in Phoenixville, Pa.Get there early tonight if you can.///"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime." "I never said I was frightened of dying." RIP Rick Wright(1943-2008)! /////Last night I saw my new favorite band, The Blue Method, and they ROCKED THE HOUSE @ Dadz Bar & Grille in Lumberton. I hadn't been there since the old Billy Hector dayz! Oh My, it was certainly the new improved Dadz. Sweet new ladies room!... My good friend BD Mylo (and the Go Daddys) is playing Hegder House today, you should not miss this spicy, sexy, smokin' blues crooner...Sunday, 8/24 is everyone's favorite the great Billy Hector and his amazing band, @ Hedger House in Chatsworth, 2 pm-6 pm. The Hedger House is the totally finest roadhouse in New Jersey, and if we are lucky, some of the awesome men and women of the Jersey Iron Central Motorcycle Club will show up on their fabulous Harleys. Some of the coolest of the cool people are in that club, and they really make the day when they roar in and out of the Hedger House on their shiny badass scooters. It's just great Karma when they hang out at a gig. By the way, that show is rain or shine, since it takes place in the Pavilion, so please come out and support Billy, who is by far one of the best independent musicians on the East Coast. ///Hi! Today is 08/08/08 and Friday, August 8 is The Blue Method @ Clark's Tavern in Eastampton @ 9 pm. Try to check out this band, they are indie, funk, soul,rock, progressive and do original compostions.They have a dedicated following in the area, but I was initiated into their fabulosity just three weekends ago at Endless Summer Jam (BEST FEST Noni Award 08)You can check out The Blue Method's friend space right in my Top Friends. @@@RIP ROBERT HAZARD 1948- 2008 RIP @@@@@@@@Endless Summer Jam - one day- night tix are available (posted 7/24/08) ESJ Earns Best Local Fest NONI AwardWe've waited a year, but it's finally here!Time: tomorrow night, Friday July 25, 2008 starting during the day, through Sunday July 27.Day and night pass tickets are available for the awesome ENDLESS SUMMER JAM @ Paradise Lake Campground on Route 206 in Hammonton this weekend. (7/25-7/27).www.paradiselakenj.comThis event is headlined by the local iconic favorites, The Jugband, and the 20+ band lineup is fantastical. Check it out @:www.endlesssummerjam.comTickets for Friday night are $40 and for all day and night Sat are $50. See Bob @ the gate. Or you can buy one $75 weekend ticket. The Jugband will be kickin' off the festivities Friday @ 6 pm.Also playing Friday: Liquor Boxx, Dirk Quinn, Bohemian Sunrise, The Blue Method and La Dean.@@@@It's so weird that the day I have an op-ed published about driving safety and being courteous to bikers on the road, I get my car smashed in by a careless $*&#@# at the Flying W. Hit and run. Ok, it's only property damage, no one died, but grrr the money that it will take to fix that damage was supposed to be my new oven! I can't find the motorist safety op-ed on BCT's website, they posted letters from another day by mistake, but it ran on 7/18/08. I'll put it on my blog./I'll be hanging out @ the Flying W Airport Avion lounge tonight-- they have good A/C plus they set up fans on the dance floor and there's cold beer and Long Island Ice Teas. The lure? The Jugband, of course. Love that band! I'll be there around 9- 9:30, sure hope you can make it! Tonight's a party night for sure! Plus, I hear Jugband has discounted tickets for Endless Summer Jam July 25-27 @ Paradise lake Campground in Hammonton available at the show. See you tonight! You really should- this weekend,July 12-13-- try to check out The Quixote Project @ the wine trail weekend at the greatest winery in Shamong Township, Valenzano Winery. Valenzano Winery ( is a great source of honor to my town. The Valenzano Family has worked slavishly to bring a legacy of pride to their family, Shamong Township, Burlington County and the state of NJ. Word. Yes, okay, my wine rack is full of a colorful rainbow of Valenzano Wines. And, yeah, I like to bring bottles to parties (and gigs if they are dry! Think: the Ben Arnold show at the Fine Arts Gallery, Mt. Holly, one hot night last summer, Valenzano Merlot and Red out of paper cups from the trunk of my car! You girls know who you are!) // The great bluesman Billy Hector ROCKED the Hedger House last week, 7/6, and will put us in a better place on some other Sundaysthis summer as well: 8/3, and 8/24, from 2 pm to 6 pm, just like the good old days! A day with Billy Hector at this kickin' roadhouse is like a mini vacation! Check out the line up for Jugband's Endless Summer Jam July 25-27, it's amazing including Juggling Suns and The Blue Method and many many more. or check out their myspace friend space right here on my myspace....Brain Damage alert: Sept 20 @ at The Cherrywood Lounge. You MUST see this show!!!! Tickets $10 and get there early, I hear capacity seating will quickly be reached. JULY BOOK REPORT: OMG DOMAIN by Steve Alten keep me on the edge and I mean the edge of my seat with relentless pacing and his feverishly cerebral and vast research that obviously backed up this Apocalypic tale that seems a little too much like it can happen if we keep up the pace of global nuclear arms racing. I just received the sequel from Amazon: RESURRECTION. Waiting on Alten's book "MEG: A Novel of Deep Terror," it's back ordered or something, but already recv'd the sequel, "Trench." Still reading Altens's incredible thriller GOLIATH, I just eat those books alive. I took a side trip re-reading the novel TWINS by Bari Wood and Jack Gleason, a spellbinding and eery story of unnatural and dark obsession located in NYC. It's an old book, published 1977,and I read it twice back then, but I finished it in 3 days with very little free reading time. I think I remember it was based on a true story. To tease, it's about the bizarre lives and deaths of twin doctors. I will lend it out if you PROMISE to get it back to me. Besides, Meg and Trench, In the hole for July/Aug is Alten's The Shell Game, and a sue Miller book I just recv'd called The Senator's Wife. I try to read all her books, as well as those of Margaret Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates. JUNE BOOK REPORT: Finished Owen King's "We're All In This Together". He's a chip off the old genious block (he won't tell you this, but the author is the son of legendary Stephen King and unparallelled novelist Tabitha King. Humility runs in that family). Reading a great great Apocalypse/doomsday -style thriller right now- DOMAIN by Steve Alten. OMG why have I not read this guy's books, he's amazing!! He recommends RESURRECTION after DOMAIN, so I have to order it from Amazon, but I already have his books ""GOLIATH" and "THE SHELL GAME". Judging by the pace of DOMAIN, these books are what I call "Inhalers" -- you inhale them in a few sitttings. May 2008 Books I recommend: Finished re-reading Stephen King's "Bag of Bones" in preparation for the new movie coming out. OMG it was awesome! I also recommend "Dead Heat" a political thriller by Joel C. Rosenberg. Riveting but beware the neo-con jingoist POV. "Blaze" by Stephen King. "The Man in the Black Suit" and "Gingerbread Girl" audio books by Stephen King. April 2008 Books I recommend: "The Almost Moon" by Alice Sebold and "Duma Key" By Stephen King.###....@@@@I support Joseph A. Panella as a write-in candidate for Lenape Regional High School District Board of Education on April 15. Please write his name in at the voting booth on school board election day. See his letter to the Central Record newspaper in my blog.@@@@.... CONGRATULATIONS TO MARTY MOZITIS FOR SECURING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY NOMINATION FOR A SEAT ON SHAMONG TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. PLEASE SUPPORT MARTY IN NOVEMBER. HE IS AN HONEST, ETHICAL, INTELLIGENT CHOICE TO HELP LEAD OUR BEAUTIFUL TOWNSHIP. MOREOVER, MARTY IS COMMITTED TO MAINTAINING OUR LOCAL PURPOSE TAX- FREE STATUS HERE IN SHAMONG. EMAIL ME AT [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS Check out today's BCT for another article on the Superior Court Judge's ruling on the Evesham Plastic Grass issue (BCT 3/12/08), read it on my blog or at: htmlCheck Out the Courier-Post story @ 20080311/NEWS01/80311035&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL& template=printart...or on my blog or int he C-P newspaper for 3/12/08. "Judge: Evesham can't use fund for Cherokee Turf Field." GOOD JOB VAST and the citizens who filed the lawsuit and circulated the petitions!! Democracy ruled!"Citizens are capable of V.A.S.T. accomplishments when they organize, co-operate and persevere." ---Noni Bookbinder Bell (2008)@@@@ EXTRA EXTRA Residents sue to halt turf fields! STORY IN TODAY'S BUTLINGTON COUNTY TIMES (3/1) or on my blog or @ html. MORE HEADLINES IN COURIER POST NEWSPAPER 3/1: "Suit Filed over Evesham turf: Nine residents seek to block field under open space rules." @@@@ ###Please read this blog;jsessionid=A0DEA4F02E 6151EB306322C80010468C?diaryId=7002 for an interesting take ont he public's mostly anti- turf POV ### EMAIL ME AT [email protected] for info on how to sign the pettion against turf for registered Evesham voters. ###VAST website: ###***CHECK OUT Today's Central Record newspaper article on VAST's efforts to get petition sigs to over-ride the Evesham Council 4-1 vote in favor of plastic gress. Voters denied articial turf in Evesham and the Lenape Regional High School District by a 3-1 margin each. Find the article in the pape or on my blog or at : ekly?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_wk_article&r21.pgpath= %2FMED%2FOpinion&r21.content=%2FMED%2FOpinion%2FTopStory List_Story_1659586***XXX Check out todays commentary on voter disenfranchisement in Evesham and the Lenape Regional High School District on the question of plastic grass, in the 2/26/08 Courier Post newspapers or at 200802260310/OPINION/802260302 or on my blog. XXXEVESHAM ARTIFICIAL TURF PLAN UPDATE:CHECK OUT THE FRONT PAGE OF THE BURLINGTON COUNTY TIMES TODAY: "TURF PLAN FOES SAY PUT ISSUE TO A VOTE". CAN'T FIND THE BCT URL TO PUT THE ARTICLE ON MY BLOG. THE BCT WEBSITE IS AN ANNOYING HODGEPODGE VERY HARD TO NAVIGATE AND RARELY UPDATED ACCURATELY. PLEASE JUST GET THE PAPER IF YOU CAN'T FIND THE ARTICLE. 2/21/08 ALSO CHECK OUT HTTP://VOTERSAGAINSTSYNTHETICTURF.BLOGSPOT.COM/"Citizens are capable of V.A.S.T. accomplishments when they organize, co-operate and persevere." ---Noni Bookbinder Bell (2008)ON THE CONTENTIOUS ARTIFICIAL TURF ISSUE, CHECK OUT out Evesham Councilwoman Debbie Sarcone's guest editorial on the Lenape Regional High School District synthetic turf issue in today's Courier Post (Feb.10,2008) or on my blog or at TO BE ANNOUNCED: THE EDITORIAL IS NOT POST TO C- P WEBSITE AS OF 8:40 AM SUNDAY.Check out Karen M. Borden, R.N.'s editorial on the Lenape Regional High School synthetic turf issue in today's Burlington County Times (Feb. 10, 2008), or on my blog or at htmlEMAIL ME HERE OR AT [email protected] TO HEAR ABOUT THE NEW ORGANIZATION VAST (VOTERS AGAINST SYNTHETIC TURF). I'LL GIVE YOU MY CELL NUMBER IF YOU EMAIL ME.Check out the article about the new group VAST (Voters Agsinst Synthetic Turf) in todays Courier-Post newspaper (Feb.9, 2008) or or my blog, or online at 0209/NEWS01/802090366/1006/NEWS01Check out my commentary calling for tort remedy for Evesham voters and public if they incur injury after the fact in today's (Feb. 7, 2008) Central Record Newspaper at www.medfordcentrarecord.comCheck out my editorial on the infamous Evesham Turf issue in today's Burlington County Times newspaper, (Feb. 6, 2008.) You can view it online at html or on my blog.Check out my editorial in today's Central Record Newspaper (Jan. 24, 2008) or on my blog or @ http://www.medfordcentralrecord.comCheck out my editorial in today's Burlington County Times (Jan. 23, 2008) or on my blog @ http://www.phillyburbs.comCheck out my editorial in today's Courier Post (Jan. 22) or on my blog. freelance writer and music lover, especially indie local bands. I have an awesome son Billy (a grindcore musician and scholar), and a beloved daughter Jaime, and my better half is Bill. I love my German Shepherd dog, Beowulf. I call him Wulfy. I adopted him from the Burlington county Animal Shelter and he's a great dog. Please check out the shelter if you're looking for a nice dog or cat.I am interested in restoring and or installing some semblance of social justice and social responsibility to the American Zeitgeist, and to the agendas of the nation's political leaders. It's time to withdraw from Bush's Folly, the Iraqi quagmire, before we get any deeper. Only arms dealers and the oil cartels/plutocracy are enriched by the Iraq invasion debacle. Tell the 4,000 dead that they died for our freedom, do you think anyone in their right mind is going to fall for that any more? It's over! We MUST get the hell out now and cut our losses and mourn the dead and focus on saving our own economy and providing services for emotionally and physically maimed veterans and their families. These poor servicemen and women will likely never recover from this tragic farce, so let's get the healing process in motion!!Why do I have only one friend named Tom? This has to stop!E-mail me at [email protected] tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit, I!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Will Smith.The gal or guy who puts the warmonger failure President Bush out of business. Good luck in '08! May the best candidate win as long as it's not a Republican. (I'm a registered Republican, don't even ask for an explanation).I did meet the great Bodhisattva Ralph Nader while working as one of his NJ and county campaign coordinators for 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections. He's Bodhisattva, what can I say.And I did meet Stephen King, I got four signed books, you can imagine how long that line was, around the block at Tower Books in The Village, in my hometown Manhattan, NYC. UPDATE: I finally finished the 7th book of The Dark Tower Series, OMG, what a surprise ending, (think 2001: A Space Odyssey or along those lines). What genius! SK is a freakin' genius. I can't believe it took me 20 years to finally read the whole Dark Tower series, but now I am blown away by being finished with them. SK-- how about The Gunslinger movies??

My Blog

Lower Speed Limits-Distracted Drivers Are Killing and Maiming! 9/april/15/speed-limits-are-too-high/print.html.... Speed limits are too high Burlington County Times (this letter was also in the April 16 ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 13:20:00 GMT

Brain Damage Live on April 25! You Know Who I love! Pink Floyd Tribute THE VERY BEST!

 Hey peeps, I was in a car crash early this month, or I should say we were caught in the aftermath of another crash! I was waiting at a stop sign and got plowed big time.It was pretty bad but we were ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 14:51:00 GMT

Billy Hector LIVE ONSTAGE upstairs @ The Beloved World Cafe Live April 19!!!

Lisa sent the text, now I'll pass it on! BILLY HECTOR LIVE @ WORLD CAFE LIVE! Our Beloved Billy Hector rockin' the Beloved World Cafe Live this Beloved Spring!MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR SUNDAY, APRIL 19,...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 05:40:00 GMT


Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 05:22:00 GMT

Billy Hector gig @ The Woodshed this Fri 1/16 canceled by Woodshed due to cold

Sad news for Billy Hector fans. Billy Hector gig for this Friday Jan 16, @ The Woodshed canceled by The Woodshed. The Woodshed also canceled the Feb 20 gig as well. Hopefully Billy will play another S...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:26:00 GMT

Billy Hector- Indie, Live, Local @ Woodshed Chatsworth Jan 16, also Bitter End this w/e in NYC

Happy New Year 2009(trite, hackneyed, cliche, but ya gotta say it for like a month)Hey, just to let everyone know, Billy Hector Trio is rockin' the Woodshed, a funky sweet friendly little place on Rou...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 14:41:00 GMT


HAPPY 2009!
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 21:02:00 GMT

Happy New Year: Some Live Local Musical Choices for Tonight’s Parties (12/31/08)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Some of my favorite bands are playing live and local tonight to usher in a new year, one that surely brings a  new and positive and  prosperous era for our nation and the wor...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 09:38:00 GMT

Blues Funk Soulful Rockin respite with Billy Hector the day after Christmas @ Jakes! (12/23)

Merry Christmas It's BILLY HECTOR TIME! Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells. Forget about the Silent Night on the day after Christmas! Instead, let's rock it loud. I think I see a big fat man with a long whi...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 06:24:00 GMT

Upcoming Live Local Shows of Interest 12/15/08

Thus We Fall this friday 12/19 @ Buzz's Tavern.Bill Berends 12/19/08 Cherrywood Rock Club!Billy Hector 12/26/08 Jake's Escape. Billy Hector every third Friday @ Woodshed starting in Jan 09!
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 14:47:00 GMT