I have been aware of this level of technology for awhile now. This is the most recent video of non-commercial use of the New Multi-Touch Computers. Adios Personal Computers, here comes the new hotnessmaps
Black America
[Caption.iT - Text Generators]o
This is what we do in class...
At school 3
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My heart...
People need to be educated. If you have questions, just ask.
TrueloveYou deserve the world
Bible, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and the entire John Grisham and Ann Rice Series.
This is a year of growth... A year of new beginnings... A year of peace. This is the speech Barack Obama entitled "The Audacity of Hope". This was at the 2004 Democratic National Convention where he was the Keynote Speaker. People ask me why I back Obama... Not because he's black, not because he's young, but because I believe in his CHARACTER... his belief in GOD... and seeing him do what he does inspires me to do better for myself and anyone else that has the drive to stand up for what is right. We as young people need to be involved. Whether you like McCain or Hillary, stand by what you believe in and watch what others will do. Become a great leader by being an intuitive follower.This is Barack Obama... The Audacity of HopeThis is something that I "borrowed" from a friend of mine's page that I had to add. Just like everything else on the page, this coincidentally parallel's with thoughts that I agree with entirely... so enjoy...Shihan - This Type Love
..I'm colorblind!!! Yeah.... I said it! lol And this is how I found out. Below these text are 6 circular pictures with numbers represented inside the circles. The numbers on the side of each group of circles is the number that just so happens to be in the adjacent circles. Well.... MOST people can see all of the numbers in each of the circles. (Women are less likely to be colorblind then men) But.... if you're like myself... you won't see all of the numbers. As a matter of fact; As I look at this now, all I see is the first numbers: 25. The rest are just meaningless circles to me. If I had to bet my life on what was in the others, I'd be off to Glory!lol But yeah... this is how I found out I was colorblind. (For all those people that say "Wow!!!! I didn't know you were colorblind Devin! So what color is my shirt!?!") This is what I see. If you see all of the numbers you're good. If not, you might want to go holler at the local optometrist near you!This... is Daltonism