Black and White photography, sushi, bourbon, micro beer, red wine, antiques, snowboarding, camping, hiking, scuba, massage, exploring the unknown, abandoned buildings, flea markets, museums, galleries, pubs, darts, pool, bowling, movies, net-flicks, the Russian Vodka Room, eating out or in, cooking, anything hands on, creative visualization, vampires, tattoos and piercings, candles, conversation, spooning, TBone (steak) mmm steak, coffee, desserts, victorian houses.
photographers, artists, models, creative folk
I like many flavors, I am always open to experiencing new bands. I like to keep my IPod on random shuffle, a little bit of everything... I like being surprised. When I work in the dark room, I like to listen to lounge, techno or new age... depending on my mood. Driving, I prefer something with a bit umph to it.
For Water Like chocolate, Shawshank Redemption, Excalabur, The Lord of The Rings, Hero, Blade Runner, Matrix, Raise The Red Lantern, F. 9/11, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Dances with Wolves, The Last of the Mohicans, Regarding Henry, Blow, Pulp Fiction, 9 & 1/2 Weeks, Blue Velvet, Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Touching the Void (if you haven't seen it, rent it), xxx.... the list is endless!Love horror, sci-fi and foreign/indi films
Code Blue, Life in the ER, National Geographic Channel, The Learning Channel, CSI
Books: Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, Why Do Donuts Have Holes, Story of O. Magazines: Rob Report, Scuba Diver, Whiskey, All About Beer. WWW: RealEstate, Autos, Photography, CNN
Definately Italian cold, with hot peppers, black pepper, black olives and oil/vinegar.