*streetlights turn red at the sight of my car
*no matter how hard i try not to, i manage to spill food on myself at least once a day
*the sun only comes out when i have to work
*i only sweat out of my left armpit (honestly)
*i hate the part of 405 that smells like rotting animal carcass (although, its fun to blame your passanger of farting)
*my body seems to be confused about where it should be growing hair
*im a christian. if ya dont like that, then too effin bad
*i am a man/boy
*sometimes people call me maam
*if i have hung out with you more than a couple times, i have probably sang you a song including your name
*i use to wear hammer pants
*slow drivers annoy the crap out of me. but if you tail me, ill give you a brake check
*i probably have to pee right now
*i am white. like really white
*i have friends of all shapes and colors. im like a living JCPenny ad!
*i have man boobies. i call them moobies.
*once i got pulled over for going through a drive-thru backwards
*i randomly speak like droopy dog.*thats all i can think of for now.
if i dont write back, dont take it personal. ill get there. also, if you would like to see more pictures, you can visit my album at only my friends can view it by using the password "shakenbake" to unlock it.