Board games, social activism, house plants, classical Latin, trees, reducing, reusing, recycling, crocheting, NPR, family, bicycles, natural beauty, cooking, volunteer work, nudity, sewing, Sunday dinner, coffee, spicy foods, backpacking, service, friends, conversation, laughter, learning, dance, going to my classes, my job(s), outdoors, community, African dance, camping, sustainability, learning, beer, gardens, AmeriCorps, NCCC
I use myspace as a place for friends.
I love music so much.
Big Love, Weeds
Currently reading some random photocopied texts about racism in America that I found in a garbage bag. Last read a copy of "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe, found at a rummage sale.
My mom. If I can achieve what she has, treat others the way she does, and remember the values she taught me... well, I'll be a happy person.