Someone who can sew me a parachute and someone who will laugh at my misfortunes while sharing a "mouseroll" with me. Someone I can fall on really hard ice with. Someone who will find Singer sewing machines hilarious with me. Someone who can cheer me up with a look and a smile. Someone who makes me a sandwich from time to time. That girl who pops up in my head every 5 seconds. That girl who now knows George Harrison. Someone who calls just about every night to say goodnite and tells me she loves me. Someone who laughs at girls who look like cats, LOL. Someone pretty; Someone lovely; Someone special; Someone who won't leave me alone in the zoo; Someone who'll want to make me change my MySpace from "In A Relationship" to "In The Best Relationship". Someone who finds awkward "sexy". Someone who'll look for a train station with me... Or the other way around for that matter, LOL. Someone who's chilly so I can say "Here take my blazer". Someone who made prom the best night ever.I need someone to cut my cheeseburger...
I listen to pretty much everything... Billie Holiday, Matt Costa, Arctic Monkeys, Rolling Stones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Johnson, Sublime, Queen, The Strokes, My Chemical Romance, Dave Brubeck, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Beck, Weezer, Regina Spektor, Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Audioslave, The White Stripes, Keane, The Beatles and Kanye West
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Shaun of The Dead, Fight Club, The Doors, Taxi Driver, I Am Sam, Night Of The Living Dead, The Kid, The Departed, Anchorman, Talladega Nights, Little Miss Sunshine, Pan's Labyrinth, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, Superbad, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited, No Country For Old Men, Raging Bull, Citizen Kane, Seven, Rebel Without A Cause, Giant, East Of Eden, the list goes on...
Some shows I watch are House, Arrested Development, The Simpsons, SNL, The Colbert Report, Family Guy, The Office
How To Live With Herpes by Tits McGee, The Man Inside Me by Tobias Funke, 30 Minute Workout by Richard Simmons
Abraham Lincoln, Hawkman, Christopher Walken and Larry O'Connell