The Chicken profile picture

The Chicken

I am here for Friends

About Me

well, first off, as you can probably tell, I'm a chicken. how I managed to live 22 years, I don't know. I guess it's a miracle. anyways, my life has been great. I was born on a farm, and I was but a chick when I escaped to the wild. Ah, the good ol' days of my youth, when I was a chick. I could go anywhere, hide anywhere, fit in anything. But those days are over. now I'm a full grown chicken. There are plusses, though, to being bigger and older: I can peck people to death now!! it's lots of fun. Well, anyways, back to the story of my life. Like I said, I was born on a farm, and escaped to the wild.I don't know what happened to my family, though I think Chic-Fil-A and KFC got their hands on them. When I was about 10 years old, I encountered my first road. I felt strangely compelled to cross it, and I'm not sure why, but I did. I crossed the road. And in the process I almost got hit by a semi truck. blah blah blah the rest of my life is boring. just me avoiding Shithead Sanders, making wide circles around Chic-Fil-A's, and crossing more and more roads. all because every time I reach one, I'm once again strangely compelled to cross it. And now, here I am. on myspace. to tell my story to the people. well, I hope you enjoyed it, fucking humans. always trying to fucking eat me. thank you for making my life living hell. it's been fun. I will leave you with that last comment.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Colonel Sanders, so I can peck him to death and avenge my family.

this cow, so I can challenge it to a deathmatch, mano a mano.
and this fatass, just because he pisses me off and I want to kill him. he probably ate my family. wouldn't surprise me. stupid fatass. and plus, he's fat. I don't like fat people.

My Blog

only in dreams...

As much as I want her, as much as I need her, as flawless and beautiful as she is, I'm just shooting for stars I'll never reach. She's absolutely amazing in every way, and the way I feel around her is...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 21:38:00 GMT