***please refer to "music" section
As far as myspace friends I'm willing to add anyone and make new friends/fans! SO go for it and ADD me if you'd like!
Don't forget to add the band (charetta on my top friends), on our page you can listen to our music, watch our videos and feel free give us feedback! and don't forget we are on iTunes!
good point ---------------------------->
"What exactly does Civil Rights mean to you? Do you know what Civil Rights are and who they pertain to in this country? You may be surprised to learn that allowing voters to vote against same sex marriages is discriminating and infringes on every gay persons Civil Rights.“Civil and political rights are a class of rights ensuring things such as the protection of peoples’ physical integrity; procedural fairness in law; protection from discrimination based on gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, etc; individual freedom of belief, speech, association, and the press; and political participation.â€The governments that allow the marriage of same sex couples to go up for a vote, have violated the Civil Rights of gay persons everywhere. If you have a belief in marriage between two same sex people then you were denied your beliefs. If you are gay and prefer the same sex, you are now denied your Civil Right to marry.Just as everyone was entitled to vote, no one was entitled to vote on anyone’s marriage according to the Constitution. Everyone is entitled to procedural fairness in law. Where was the fairness in allowing people to vote against same sex couples rights to marry? This is now a law. Therefore, this means that not everyone is entitled to procedural fairness in law.So what does Civil Rights mean to you? "Posted by: blondiewrites | 11th Nov, 2008