Some-one who actually has a heart, treats me right won't fuck me off! And will listen to me when i'm down & when I need that shoulder to cry on! Who thinks that my personality weighs more than my looks!- WHICH IN THIS WORLD I'LL NEVA FIND!
Glitter Graphics
Girl confessions
Whats the worst exuse you've ever given to not go out with a guy?: I've gotta concentrate on my career right now
Ever cheated?: yeah- who hasn't
Ever Wanted to?: when i wanted to i did!
Ever dumped a guy?: yes a few!
Ever used a lame exuse when dumping a guy?(Ex: its not you, its me): yes! I need space/ career/ its just not working etc
Ever make a guy like you, just to see if you could?: hell yeah!
Ever had a guy dump his girl for you?: no had a girl do that though
Ever been called a tease?: yep :p
Do you get honked at when you walk down the street?: sometimes
Do you like it?: audepends whos drivin
Ever honk at a hot guy walkin down the street?: yea damn rite
Worst thing you've ever done to a guy:: i dumped a guy once to get with another guy who i'd been cheatin on him with for a while!
Ever spread a rumor about a friend?: In school ye
Ever kissed another girl?: I'm bi-sexual so yeah
If so, were you drunk?: soba-drunk wotever the weather!
Ever cheated with a friends boyfriend?: yes but shhh
Ever bitched a girlfriend out?: no
Lost a friend to gossip?: yeah
Ever Caused someone to lose a friend over the gossip you spread?: no
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