Central Pentecostal Church profile picture

Central Pentecostal Church

About Me

A place of rescue! This is a small but growing church. A church trying to reach out and do a service for the lord. We are one family in Christ striving for the same goal and that is to see souls saved!
This church has been founded for several years but when i came to Grand Saline Texas in 1998, My cousing Garvin Pulley paster's this church. We only had about 8 people. And before i came they only had around 4. This church use to be small and still had out door toilets. Paster Pulley had to strive to get this church on its feet. Sure things seemed hopless with only 4 people but he had faith that God would build this church...And you know what he has. Yes we are still small but on Sunday's we run in the 30's. That may be small compared to other churchs but what is it to have thousands of people when the paster can not even meet them. This church loves and strives together as one family.
Paster Pulley used to work for a carpet store In Terrell Texas but soon quit his job to go full time pastering. In in those few years he and his wife also took up keeping foster children. They now have adopted 2 of those children, of which they had already adopted 3 others, and one foster daughter out of arkansas. So in a total they have 6 children. His wife also had step children from her late husbands side of the family but this family all loves each other and that is why God has truley blessed them.
So help us to reach out and save souls and gather together in unity before the return of our savior.
Please feel free to join and experience the Truth of God.
I will be asking Paster Pulley to join this group and answer any questions you may have and to also share some spiritual thoughts and words for you.
Thank you for visting and please considering joining our group and enjoy a little blessing!
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Church Services

We have church services In Grand Saline Texas on Wednesday's at 7:00 pm and on Sunday's at 10:00 am & 6:00 pm. Please feel free to come and enjoy a service if you are around!
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:38:00 GMT