"I don't have hobbies, I have interests. Hobbies cost money, interests are free."
This just in from the Cliche department - Life interests me. People interest me.
I'm subject to ranting on any given topic that the internet, or life in general coughs up. Random things blow my mind. Random things piss me off for no good reason. It annoys the hell out of some people, but it keeps me occupied.
I'm into computers, I guess. Not that I'm really sure how 'fun' they are anymore. They used to be crazy geek toys, but now they're little gray (Or pink, for you mactards) boxes that do their job. The science is still interesting, but I'm not sure about fun anymore. I'm entertaining suggestions on how one goes about having fun these days.
"Girls. All I really want is girls."
Um. People, I guess. Not your fucking band, that's for sure. I mean, props for using new technology to disempower the man, and avoid having to sell soul and sphincter for a shitty record deal. Really, I salute you for that. But frankly, I'm just not here to listen to your noise, and I can't write to every one of you to tell you so. This is a public notice: Friend Requests from bands of any kind are subject to online public humiliation to the minimal extent which I can effect it.
That said, I'm here to meet whoever I feel like, and occasionally see what makes them tick. I've been known to exhibit bizarre online behavior, just to see how people react. It's all in the name of science, folks. And an interesting way of getting to know people without any reasonable risk of getting the business end of a taser in the crotch.
"Play Skynyrd!"
Before we get into specifics, it's time for one of the aforementioned rants. First of all - keep your goddamn music off my profile. If you must subject me to some music that you're under the delusion that I'll like, putting it up as a comment isn't the way to do it. Violators will be cursed for seven generations.
Also, piece of advice - keep your music off of your profile, too. That's been known as bad web design since 1992. Suppose I'm chillin down in the crib with my homies, and we bumpin' some old-skool snoop, and rollin' out some blunts - and now we gotta compete with Death Cab. That's just fucking rude.
News flash, some of us might already be listening to music while surfing the web. Put up a goddamn link, and if people care they'll listen to it. Jesus.
Now that we're all friends.
Once again, from the cliche desk, I like all kinds of music, basically. Except commercial crap. (Except to the extent that the occasional catchy song lodges itself in my ear.). The problem is I also don't like all kinds of music. So try to keep that in mind, when you're making suggestions. I also haven't cared for much that's been released in the last 5 years, and I'm starting to realize that I may be getting old. That music you kids are listening to these days... what is that supposed to be?
"That will be $13.50 for the children's admission, and..."
Most of these have been pretty feeble-minded and half-assed too, lately, haven't they? Crash was really good. I liked the Devil's Rejects, much to my surprise.
Fight Club, of course, has to be mentioned. Other than that, I like your older-school Pacino / Pesci / DeNiro work. Carlito's Way. Casino. Goodfellas.
Basically, just show me some decent acting, and don't ramrod some yuppy feel-good message down my throat, and I'll be entertained for a couple of hours.
"Buy some more crap to shut that screaming kid up with, so you can spend more time watching TV, you fat, stupid American." ~ Every TV commercial ever.
Ah, Television. The other great turd in the entertainment gene pool. Some of it is reasonably entertaining. I have to admit to having lost my last shred of non-conformity when I started watching 24. The thing is though, if it's not Tivo'd, or downloaded from the internet - I really can't hang. Commercials are a terrible thing to subject yourself to.
So in brief, some other crap I like:
Family Guy
South Park
The Daily Show
Whatever that show after the daily show is called
That's all the stuff I can think of by name. I dig on random educational crap for the most part, during random television surfing experiences.
"Don't just teach your child to read. Teach your child to question what he reads. There is more to reading than simply dragging your eyes across text."
Currently reading Beyond 'Good and Evil'. Lately all I'm really into in the book department is random technical stuff I need to know for my job, and the occasional philosophy book. Ironically, I spend a ton of time reading, but I don't have that much to say in this department.
"My heroes have always been cowboys."
I'm not sure our generation has produced anything I consider all that heroic. I mean, people have performed heroic deeds under extra-ordinary circumstances, but there hasn't been a lot of initiative taken lately in the heroism department.
Now I know that every day, someone marches into a homeless shelter through miles of snow, just to see that a bunch of homeless guys get some soup, and that's all well and good - but not heroism.
Heroes are pointless. Heroes are people, and they do good things and bad things. I could name anybody here, and someone could give me a perfectly reasonable account of why they were a douchebag.
All things being equal then, I think I'd have to go with Superman here. He really had his shit together.