Someone who will stick around .
People with rat-tails.
Someone to be my partner in crime.. FIGHTING!
Men with nice beards.
A lady with bigger jugs then my head.
A bearded lady.
Some really badass buds.
A man with a hair helmet.
When I say I'm going to do something, I go and do it.
I will take care of you when you're sickies, even if I will get sicks too.
I will call you when you can't sleepers.
I will watch Star Trek and porno with you.
I will sing old rock songs and cook with your father.
I will take as many busses and drive as many miles and hours as it takes to see you.
I will want to check our Myspace's together.
I will make cardboard venue's with you and pretend were at a show.
I will want you to be a part of everything I do.
I will hold your hand under and on top of the table.
I will kiss you when the waiter turns around.
I will drive your soul. hahahaha
I will make you so many mix cd's your shelf won't be able to hold them all.
I will rub and kiss your hurties until they stop hurting.
I will call you on my break.
I will go to your favorite bands show with you, even if they are pure shit because I'm dragging you to mine!
I will put everyone on hold when I'm talking to you on MSN.
I will make you watch wrestling with me.
I will try to beat you up while it's commerical.
I will color in your unfinished tattoos.
I will write you songs on my yard sale keyboard and they will dominate any song you have ever heard.
I will text you to say goodnight/good morning.
I will call you when I have a bad dream.
I will NOT let you pee on me when your too lazy to get out of bed.
I will scratch your back when it's itchies.
I will wash your unreachable places when you need it.
I will read you your favorite comics.
I will put your favorite songs in the middle of my happy happy joy joy CD's.
I will name my stuffy after you.
I will blow you kisses when we're on the phone.
I will tell a lady to back up if shes steppin too close.
I will text you when your bored at work.
I will buy you merch when you can't make it to a show, then mail it to you with a letter that took me forever to write.
I will call you when they play your favorite song.
I will make you silly pictures when your down.
I will cross my arms at the back of the crowd with you and look pissed off.
I will hold onto Pierre every night and pretend he is you.
I will try to braid your beard.
I will watch Seinfeld with you.
I will laugh at your silly stories and lame jokes.
I will tuck you in when we go to bed.
I will play with your hairs and rub your back til you fall asleepies.
I will make you pajama pants for Christmas.
I will try and make you songs and poems to make you laugh.
I will tell you how much I love you every chance I get.
I will do whatever it takes to make you smile.
I will cherish every moment together.
I will pretend your with me always.
I will always be there for you.
I will keep you forever and ever and ever and ever.
No matter how far or where you are or what your up to
I will love you,
long time.
< m.g 3
you can click those
I know I'm slow and rather special, but you really don't have to point it out.