LEIGH profile picture


About Me

In my teens I - Was in a band called All Rights Reserved, got married and had a kid! Shane he is the great one when I grow up I want to be like him beacause he can play bass like the shizney. Ihad the most stupid hairstyles, I blame them on my mother as she made me wear dresses untill i was 14, she wanted a girl thats why my name is spelt the girls way... however i do apologise to my son because his middle name is gertrude, on a sreious not its actually leigh like me, at this point i thought my son would want to be like me when he grew older, what a turn of events. I also got introuble with the bees knees as i was a liitle scoundrekl i liked to draw pretty little pictures on the walls of bramley because i thought it would impress my mummy... i was in the police station that much that i had my name on the soap. thats about it for my teens i had canser bt that serious dont wanna joke! In my 20's i- still had canser but i fucked the doctors off coz they sed i wouldnt live but i did fuck em! i still had my son however i got in to happy hardcore and and it was shit except for the ices cream song, for some reaoson i thought it would be a funni idea to get my son beaten up in primary skewl because i claimed i new every song in the god damn world! i sang random shite in the shower to him... from russion to habalacchaka! he wasnt immpressed!my son got in to alot of rock which made me become a teen again yey! i love the rock! just as an example of how mean i was to my son i was once in primrose valley and i wouldnt let him join in the festivitys when he wanted to build a sand castle we just stood and laughed at the poor little bugger. In my current affairs (30's)ive been to many gigs and austraillia however none are as good as the gig of my son, he is the greatest! i got divorsed and got together with a lass called nicola! and now i have a wicked hair style because my son is my stylist he tells me what great stuff to wear and what have ya... i have peacings and tatoos there great! Thats me! Im in a band with my son and my brother called flange we r the second greates band on earth as my son is in the first however my son hasnt started but we know god damn weklll because he iss in it it will be the best ever! my son is the greates!!! go shane! wooo! I love you!!! Wooo! wooo! your number 1!!! wOO!..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

INGLEBERT HUMPERDINK! Barry scott and most of all... yp yopuve guessed the all might great one... nope not god... my son shane!!! again wooo... ive met a few peeps already however because i like to stalk celebraties for e.g. ive kissed chris jericho's bum because im a sick dirty perv! and ive gone to a cafe just to meet the gay one from corrie! we had a a picture but i never got it (weeps) i have also met charlie harper... however i bet he thought i was a knob coz i just smiled and dint realy say much at all he was dreamy! i met rob out of whitmore and babar luck out of king prawn i meet most punkers when they play in leeds! grr.a..!