About Me
I'm a weird dude. By nature, I am a passionate, kind, loyal, and considerate guy. By cultivation and indoctrination I am a fierce, mean, rude, and contrary person. I like to swear, in public, at top volume. (in front of small children and old people.)
If I had to describe myself I’d say something glib, like: “I’m fat.†or “I’m loud, obnoxious, and I never shut up.†I’m told that I'm more than just a fat annoying guy who talks too much. But I don’t put a lot of stock into people’s words.
I believe that freedom and choice are the most valuable and integral liberties that any one or thing can have. I think that if you're not hurting anyone you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you want, because you fucking want to. I would kill, or die, to protect those values. I have a very, very, liberal concept of what it means to hurt someone. In my opinion if you do anything to take away someone else's choice you are hurting them and therefore committing a crime. I place less value on people who allow their choices to be made for them or allow their lives to be lived by proxy.
It offends me that my humanity is secondary to my market potential. I am not a commodity, and I do not purchase, reflect, or deal with anyone who would forget to recognize that I am more than my money or station. I hate the word "consumer" especially applied to large groups of people. It robs of our essential nature and turns us into a number for manipulation instead of someone with hopes, dreams, and goals that are more than purchases.
I'm also very suspicious of the content of television, radio, and news. I see it as a shallow means to keep a large, highly educated, and increasingly ruthless population docile. I firmly believe that the unencumbered pursuit of wealth is not the best way to run a society. (certainly, it's the “traditional†way, but does that make it right?)
I live by my own standards, and carry my own flag. I like it that way. (it makes me giddy like a schoolgirl) I don't subscribe to societies taboos, but I carry some of my own which are just as bizarre.
I'm infatuated with people. Not any particular kind of people, just people in general, I find them fascinating, endlessly amusing, absolutely infuriating and I wouldn't have them any other way.
I've got a savage and offensive sense of humor which includes (but is not limited to): violating people's comfort zones, breaking social rules (facing backward in elevators, looming over strangers on the street and growling, spewing nonsensical answers to everyday questions) oh... and satire, irony, and mischief. (For example: I insist that everyone who I'm not associated with professionally refer to me as “That Fat Bastard", the fatman, fatass, and other derogatory statements regarding my nonexistent weight problem.) I get off on pushing people's boundaries, breaking them out of their shells, and hopefully showing them that preprogrammed responses to life aren't usually the best thing.
No matter what I say, I don't actually hate anybody. I do get fired up about things though. (I like to go off on tirades. I have some peculiar ideas about right and wrong and sometimes i have to go off like a firecracker.) I see passion and determination as the most attractive things about our species. I love genuine people who've come to their own conclusions about the world and wish to share their wisdom. To me they are rare and precious, must be cultivated and cherished. (and I fuck up anybody who would try to stifle them.) I love people who explore things for the sake of exploration. If you live by the credo "Life is a journey, not a destination" we'll very likely get along.
I'm a creative person who is into writing, playing the drums, photography, science fiction and comic books.
I hold myself to high standards. I see myself as a "really good person," which, to me, is someone who is loyal, caring, and goes the extra mile for the people in his life and community. I'm like a naked, foulmouthed, drunken, boyscout.
I am terribly individualistic and have a strong sense of myself, whoever the fuck that is. I absorb information like a bullet through a phone book, and I know a little bit about everything. I am meticulous about detail and I remember birthdays. My room's a mess, deal with it. I hate being forced to respect someone because of their social station, but I never hesitate to respect someone who deserves it. If I don't like you, you'll know it, quick.
I can see and value all the wonder that is in the world. I believe in magic and true love, sunsets, and cold beer. I am definitely both an idealist and a romantic.
I believe that nothing is impossible. And I'm a billion times nicer in person than this profile hints at.