Music, food, cars, girls, eating ice cream with Ashley, having philosophical conversations with Skyler, wondering what planet Leah is from, aging my big bro Jeff at an incredible rate (his hair is gonna be grey soon). Frankly I'm most interested in just makin the best of things.
That's no contest, I wanna meet the person in invented guiness. That stuff is the most amazing thing on earth and if you don't agree with me than I will fight you
adopt your own virtual pet!
Anything except rap, I guess I can reveal my deep dark secret, I like country... there I said it. I totally live for classic rock...Boston is by far the greatest band ever.
Anything done by Mel Brooks, that man is awesome. I also like the 13th warrior. When I'm in the mood I can enjoy Rock Horror Picture SHow
Two guys a girl and a pizza place. when I'm board I watch talk shows, and comedy central. Any jerk off who claims that T.V. is lame and plays it off like they only watch certain educational channels needs to shove it. You know you love it!
Anything written by Anne Rice, and yes I'm a Tolkien nerd too.
My dad is my hero, spider man is my comic book hero, Huegh Hefner is also up there too but in more of I would like to be him hero. LEAH IS MY REAL HERO!!! In addition my newest and greatest hero is THE J.J.P , she gets flown out to Neveda, wined and dined, by some guy who wants to make sweet love to her. You go girl!