Obligatory Obnoxiously Long YouTube Profile Page Gallery
Looking through a photograph...
...for the benefit of Mr. Kite.
So nothing to choose between them so far.
Clap your hands. [APPLAUSE]
He lies on his side, is he trying to hide?
He pushed the point into his stomach 'til the light shone right through.
I want more.
Before your eyes...it's a glittering prize.
It gets lonely down South.
But there will be time for everything when you return...
Somewhere...Somehow...Some trace...Some place...
What if the world was made out of pudding?
Shoot it up.
Which pod am I getting in?
Because only an expert can deal with the problem.
Fammi un macchiato pronto!
...but with the lid off.
Domo arigato.
Merzbow entertains the local Koreans...
...but not in those words.
My eyes are dry. Goodbye.