Leigh profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

when people first see me, they never believe that im 21. but sadly, it's the truth! though i am "babyface" (naks!), im matured intellectually! (nukamphoota!) when i was a kid, i used to watch wrestling. even nowadays, sometimes i watch WWE. i admire girls like angel locsin, alessandra de rossi, fergie (of blackeyed peas), kirsten dunst, drew barrymore, & others. i love shopping clothes, shoes, & other accessories. but i dont want those very feminine stuff! im just simple & more on masculine types of clothes/shoes. that's why they sometimes call me "tiborsia" or "tomboyish"! but of course im not! im "dalagang pilipina"! haha..! if i admire girls, of course with the guys as well... my ultimate crush is brandon boyd (of incubus), next is.... uhhmm... guys who are maangas, if possible chinito (kung hinde, ok lng din), & "bad guy look"! just like whom i am with now... when it comes to food, i love potatoes! actually, they call me "potato girl" coz i really like it. i also prefer pasta, pizza, veggies, & syempre mga lutong pinoy! im not that choosy in foods, as long as it can satisfy me. hehe.. til here na lang muna =)

My Interests

i listen to rock/alternative and rnb music... i love to dance... i like to party all night!!! watch gigs... i admire girls as well like angel locsin, alessandra de rosi, isabel oli, drew barrymore, kirsten dunst, & others... i interest Brandon Boyd... a lot! =)

I'd like to meet:

Spiderman?! Brandon Boyd?! Keanu Reeves?!


music of Incubus, Switchfoot, Green Day, Nickelback, Evanescence, Parokya ni Edgar, Bamboo, Rivermaya, 6 Cycle Mind, Kamikazee, Urbandub, Imago, Eraserheads (my all-time fave), J.Lo, Blackeyed Peas, Eminem...


Spiderman(I&II), Troy, 50 First Dates, Duplex, Taking Lives, LOTR Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy, The Grudge(I&II), Fast & Furious(I&II), The Last Samurai, Jeepers Creepers(I&II), Pirates of the Carribean, Hellboy


muzic channels, AXN shows, charmed, the next top model...


im not into books but i read magazines especially FHM!


Neo (of Matrix) and Spiderman!!!