Annie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well who am I? that is the biggest question... I'm hyper when fed sour skittles intravenously :D I get high on booze as my drinking buddies would know, peace to you lot I'll be out of my sabatacle after the exams! I have dark hair, big brown eyes, brown skin and full of spirit (if you get what i mean) I guess God put me on this earth for a reason... I'm still finding it

My Interests

Having fun... and doing my favourite hobby, drinking :D

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone! Would love to meet the Dr. (oh so very hot) Chris martin, Chris Moyles (radio dj legend) Bill bailey (hilarious in every sense of the word) God (to ask him a few questions like 'why us girls have to put up with you guys?') :D


indie rock, dance, coldplay, muse, david gray, foo figthers, the feeling, the kooks, arctic monkeys, Vivaldi...


forrest gump, along came mary, armageddon, the matrix trilogy, harry potter...


Dr. Who, Casanovsa, Hustle, QI, Green Wing...


anything by Nick Hornby except fever pitch, the curious incident of the dog in the nite, Harry Potter series...


Friends and Family

My Blog


Good evening to one and all, this is myspace!Feel free to leave me a messagelots of love, Annie xxx
Posted by Annie on Sun, 07 May 2006 04:48:00 PST