tube amps, drums, analog recording, phone calls at 3 am, cigarettes, luscious greenery, candy necklaces, midrange frequencies, beer, feedback.
people who push lots of air, people who beat on the drums, people looking to jam and make noise, people who play so loud it physically hurts, people who keep it real and arent bothered with the way they look or come across to other people. life's too fucking short to be worrying about who has the same prada bag as you or how much better your hair looks than someone else. be scum for life. piss off.
fight club. lock stock and two smoking barrels. fear and loathing in las vegas. snatch. ronin. any documentary on 50's to the mid 70's music.
conan o'brian, adult swim and the history channel pretty much.
currently: Propaganda, Inc. "selling americas culture to the world" by Nancy Snow.
Harry Joyce. Mat Mathias. Jim Marshall. Dave Reeves. Jess Oliver. Syd Barrett.