schoom.Michael Scott is my hero.
schoom.Michael Scott is my hero.
This is the love of my life Natalie aka PIGLET. :D X
Click on the picture of me to go to my music page. Its a working progress. RAWR...
I bow down to metal music. Theres so much hard work involved and so much passion. The brutal sound of it all just blows me away and makes my soul act in different ways. The amount of non physical contact agression (apart from a wall of death) is by far the best feeling in the world added with alcohol. Its enjoyable with good friends who share the same love for it. That would be pretty much chole now come to think of it.Ive got many photos from gigs with the bands such as killswitch engage i killed the prom queen all that remains twelve tribes and more. Check them out and comment. Meeting adam d and joel from killswitch was by far the best.
Im well buzzin off the new fighstar album. Truly a piece of art. Look out for tannhauser and the piano riff in the verses of "floods" Oh dont forget the chick who sings on unfamiliar cielings. THEY WERE FUCKIN AWESOME LIVE TOO.
Oh yershhhhhh defo x