i like to - do stupid things - anything destructive - skate (-street)(type) - hang with my homies - listen to music - watch t-v - and things that make no sence at alll (along with making funnie bird sounds lol)but id' like to make a specail thank to my friends and family for alwayz stikin wit me n alwayz be'n there for me "; thxCUTE IS WHAT COLE AIMS FOR!im in love with a stripperMikeashley loves will foreverr MaTtcocoa puffslook me pplztht me no WILLL be there me top eightwellso will sum other ppll lol but iduno say hi to those awsome ppl hey ifu dun't the moosie pplwil cumand get you no seiriously!!!! STAcies mom IS HOt (not as hot as my friendie ppl) and i'm so not!!!!!! stacies mom got it go'n on i went to her house to mowe her lawn ............................................................ . ^ ^ ^ oh yhea my street name is yoo yo : flyin sssqwerwel : my ramanticie w/e name Pierre "my Girlsz club name is like : britney or kelsy: my animal name is moose and the name i call pplz sum tiz iz YO YO you no SHNIEBLE Housen
bucky lasek, bam margera, tony hawk, johny knoxville, and wee man AND ```` A MOOSEholy moly
STEADY AS SHE GOES (The Raconteurs)
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ok here is a quik list i'm not FINished me like alot of music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?Twisted Sister sum 41 sp pl gc gd godsmack NEW found GLOrY acdc the doors pink flyod all american rejects HENDRIX mettalica ledzeplin black sabbath the used ten years from first to last taking back sunday lustra mcr him fob system of a or the down w/e kid rock nelly snop dog ludaSHNIEBLE whaaaaaa???????? shnieble HOUSEN get !!! it!!! right!!!!!! duh...............................you yhea you .ever herd the song poprocks&coke??? a haaaaaaa it's the best and mintority and jesus of suburbia american idiot Walking contridictoin Hitche'in a ride god riddamce(time of youre life)Geek stink breath jaded Welcome to Paridice longview st.jimmy (now sp songs) om i'm just akid perfect shut up god must hate me addicted I'd DO ANY thing untitled I don't WANNA THINK ABOUt YOU(*yhea i do) om and i also like the song headon colision or colision or w/e predictable life stylez rich and famous bloody valintine GIRLs and BOYs we belive (a lil) we're NOT GONNA TAKE IT I WANNA ROCK (twisted sisster) ............................ foxtrot unieform charlie kilo bad touch break through (the doors)the longest yard - dickie roberts former child star - Joe dirt - anger management - happy gilmore - sponge bob- in vader zim - viva la bam- and Jack ass yo ppl get the enema of the state cd it rocks and so doese great est hits and internatoinal super hits and dookie and young and hopeless
I^look^up^there^to^see^I holy moly i'm lost
NONE i don't think sept like a series of unfortunate events i think n ah rolling stones
dave massi for show'n me tht i'm not the only stupid person in this f'd up worldloljk but yhea he is n johnny knoxville bam buckie lasek sheckler*oh yhea and all of my frien d s and family for alwayz be 'n there for meTHANK YOU 8)yhea hey ppl yhea yhea i no ive done sum kool stupid thing stupid things and and bad stupid things but tht s what makes me meMOOOOSE yaya thts what 1 of my friends look like (jason) and me like to thnk cole bri n a sabah and all yooui other peep'z and person GUY"z ppl DON"T ASTOP being who and what you are because thats what makes you 'you and that s waht makes, you ,well perfect so you must be.......................................................... .................................................1stupid.... ............................................................ .....................................2dumb ............................................................ ......................................... 3weird.................... if you ever stop being you and be WHO you are and try to stay what you are to (i found that out the hard way) so i'm staying sk8'r / camiedian/jackA**/and what ever else i am.........................and i'd like to thank speacialy 2 ...my long lost friends april . nick burke. crisstian torres.savahhnah bacon . marshall hearting.....and you other ppl i'd Like to say thanks if it wernt' for all of you i wouldn't be me wouldn't have you ppl and i might have not been here to this very day if it wern't for you , so i'd like to say thx