e M J a y profile picture

e M J a y

Hold on to one you love, stay true to what you n0e, take everything you dream of and never let it go

About Me


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hi my name is emjay.. im 23 years old and i live here at esco cali. i luv meeting new people and making new friends.. im working at pmc and taking mah associates in rt at ccsd.. that's aLL!!


i Like aLL kinds 0f music... fr0m hip h0p t0 senti... actuaLLy it reaLLy depends up0n mah m00d...


THE N0Teb00k.. Here 0n Earth.. A waLk t0 remember.. crueL intenti0ns.. tr0y.. STeP Up.. St0mp the yard... passi0n 0f the christ...


rachel ray's 30 mins meaLs.. tfc.. mah fiLIpin0 s0ap 0peras..


never reaLLy int0 readin b00ks.. but i d0 have 0ne that i actuaLLy read... but sad t0 say i f0rg0t the titLe.. haha..


my parents and mah famiLy... g0d and tan!!

My Blog

aLL ab0ut me

Da BasicsFull NameeMJay viLLam0rAge22Birthday02.08.84Favorite...Colorgreen/purpLeson gaLL 0f themroom in the housemah r00m 0f c0rzsportn/aseason spring and faLLwordwhatever...day of the weekfridayfoods...
Posted by e M J a y on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 02:09:00 PST