I am now working at Golden West College in Huntington Beach and living in the city of Orange. I go back to the desert on weekends. Update: I now work for the Coachella Valley Water District and have moved back to the desert for a while...I am a senior network technician for the Technology Services department at the college. I am learning Oracle, Cisco, Clustering, VMWare, EMC SAN etc... This is exciting for an IT guy, probably boring for everyone else. Technology is a big part of my life and I am thankful that I get to work in this exciting field. Update: Same kind of work, but now working for CVWD.I am from Ireland, but have been here so long that my accent has faded, it can be revived, but not on command. I try to get to Dublin every year, or at least to Brighton (Hove actually) where my sister lives.------------------------------------------------------
Photos below are from Pisa 2004 (Went to Italy for my sisters wedding)