**For starters, Im Samantha ;; && that guy with me in the picture is well ... my boyfriend as well as my best friend.**I love that guy (( f r a n k i e ))... alot [although sometimes I may not show it like I should]**Anyone who says they're not in love and says they don't care...man I feel for you ; It`s the best feeling in the world. Don`t cheat yourself out of it :].**Without Taylor; Spotter; Deanna; Alma && Donna - high school would suck monkey nuts.**I used to want to be a cosmotologist but as I grow older I'm beginning to change my mind completely ; I`ve been through alot and I think it would be nice to be able to help others the way people have helped me ; so now i'm considering psycology.**If you've ever had a guy treat you like shit [trust me I have] *barf [c**e]* There's another guy out there [like frankie**I do have anger issues ; but you know what..it's never an excuse. you can control it.**If you wanna be my friend, leave me comments :] && we will get along fine x33**My Screename is sammixisxlove
QUOTES ** If DUCT TAPE fixes anything..Can it fix this Broken Heart?** The ones who care are'nt worth it, The ones who are worth it; would never care** Im out of bullets; These words are my final attempt** You promised to NeVeR hurt me; Then why are you making cry?** You've broken love's spell; & now it remains another Broken Fairytale** Lifes a Pornstar; Fucking us all** Congratulations, WhOrrE, yOu've done it all; yOu've won that game of baSebAll' yOu've tagged the player, done the tEam ..Here yOu have it..a chance to [sCreaM]
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