<<.firework.>> profile picture



About Me

i'm libby
i love fire
i love music
i love my bed
i love my friends
i love getting lost
i love raw passion
i love holding hands
i love climding trees
i love the smell of Autum
i love talking to new people
i love thunder and lightning
i love doing things i shouldnt
i love the cold side of the pillow
i love hour long phone conversations
i love the sound of rain on my window at night
i love the fact that things have a way of sorting them selves out
i love walking the empty srteets late at night with no where to go
i love not knowing where im going or when i'll get there
i love waking up and whole hour before the alarm and turning over and going back to sleep
i love that music can take you back in time and make you feel things you havent gelt for a long time
dont like me?
hey your loss
be happy
lifes too short
this is where you'll find me.
on my bridge.
normal is boring and perfection is ugly
what a lolish word
makes me laugh
10% Luck.
20% skill.
15% Concentrated Power Of Will.
5% Pleasure.
50% Pain.
100% Reason To Remember The Name.
music is a way of life
"and tonight i thank the stars as i count my lucky scars"
"you cant keep safe wants to break"
[special people]
ginger - she's just my ginger freak of nature
clit - she's german and a moody cunt but i love her biggly
[i dont have a picture because A.he doesnt have myspace and B. he runs away from camaras lol bless him] tom - fuck buddy, drinking buddy, and just genral partner in crime
Willis - my lovely bit of gash who is currently increasingly worring me about his explosive tendances. . .lol basically a phycotic pyromaniac bless him.. ..