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→Ron ♥ Ron ←

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About Me

~RonRon****We belong together!!!!Hey yall all n0 wh0 da fuck dis be....if n0t it ya girl R0nR0n h0ldin it down f0 da class 0f "07"..."07 stand UP" but anyways to yall wh0 d0nt n0 im single but have a friend u n0 wh0 you are L0L... im jus 0n here t0 meet new ppl and n0t f0 n0 drama s0 if y0u feel as th0ught u d0nt like dat then get the FUCK 0ut!!!! H0llaLayout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts

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This survey is the stufff..
General Stuff
Eye Color
Hair Color
Single, In a relantionship, not sure, or friends w/benefits
Phone Call
Text Message
Thing u said
Thing u did
Thing u IMed
Thing u ate
Person u hung out with
Song u listened too
Movie u saw/watched
Time u rode a bus
Thing u drank
What color of shirt
What are ur bottoms
What color are they
What color is ur underware
What does ur hair look like
If yes to jewelry what kind?
What sorrt of make up?
Are ur fingernails painted?
Have u ever...
Made out with jsut a friend
Sat on a rooftop
Kiss two people in the same day
Did some kind of illegal drug
Kissed someone of the same sex
Had sex
Flashed Someone
Played Strip Poker
Got drunk
Gone Skiining Dippping
Danced in the rain
Kissed in the rain
Done anything illegal
Failed a class
Been close to death
Done something u regret
Skipped a class/school
Had a bf/gf
Been kissed
Been in love
if u have with who?
Snuck out
Ice cream
AIM saying
Thing to do
Kind of Music
Are u in love
Do u like someone
When was the last time u kissed someone
Who do u like
Who do u live with
Who are ur best friends
Who are u going out with
Song ur currently listening to
What are u doing tomorrow
What did u do today
What kind of game system, if any do u have
Who are u talknig to on AIM
Do u like cheese
Whats ur fav pizza
Is ur room messy
Where are u
What does ur Myspace name mean
Who choose ur real name
Whats the thing u enjoy the most
Ever watched the stars
Got hyper
Fav drink
Do u like ur life
Do u like where u live
WHo do u hate
Ever had stiches or a broken bone or something removed from ur body
Whats the crazziest thing u have done?
Say a inside joke between u and a friend

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Dude. You HAVE to take this one. We'll leave nothing to the imagination.
Isn't it great ? It's just the beginning.
Name (as shown on birth certificate): Tyronda
D.O.B (no lies.): 7/21 Today!!!!
Where were you born?: Cambridge
Where do you currently reside?: Hurlock
Born late, early, or just in time?: early
In what order were you born?: 2
Ok, so we've got the background. Let's learn alittle more about YOU.
Height/Weight: 5'10 150
Hair/Eye Color: black & red/ dey change colors brown
Are you happy with yourself in these aspects?: yea
What would you change about each?: my height
Anything you are physically ashamed of?: nope
Any piercings/ink?: ears
If so, are you satisified or do you want more?: belly button
Do you pamper yourself occassionally?: nope
If so, how?:
Do you have glasses/contacts?: i use to not any more
Do you have freckles?: hell naw
What's your build (truthfully) ?:
What kind of deoderant do you use?: secret
What about shampoo?: vo5
What does your hair look like right now?: n pixes dat red all ova
What about on a normal basis?:
Last chance to add anything on the physical appearance I have forgotten:: nope
Let's get to know the REAL you. You know, the stuff on the inside. ARE YOU:
Serious/Light-hearted?: serious
Dry/Out there - sense of humor?: sense of humor
Selfish/Selfless?: selfish
Academic/Athletic?: academic
Trusting/TrustWORTHY?: both
Happy on the inside AND outside?: yea
Easy/Hard to talk to?: easy
... able to open up to others easily?: yea
Stressed out at times?: yea
Heartbroken?: yea
Honest with yourself?: yea
A heartbreaker?: nope
In love?: yea wit perry
... loved?: by perry
Smart?: u no it
Open to suggestions?: yea
Open to change?: it depends on wha it is
Religious?: yea
A good friend?: yea
Hey, speaking of "good friends." Let's explore that, shall we?
Would you rather ...
Have 100 acquaintance "friends" ...: nope 1
... or a few CLOSE friends, only ?: jus 1
If you chose acquaintance friendships:
Ramble off some names, why don't ya::
What makes the "no strings" style better?:
Do you like to party in large groups?:
Name some people you would vacation with::
Where would you go?:
Are there people you trust more than others?:
If you chose a few CLOSE friends:
Why?: because u cant trust ppl
Ramble off .. oh, let's say: 5 names or less. Only the very closest:: Ty Kacie Brittany Mom Perry
Let's talk about friend number ONE.
Are they a good friend?: yea
What makes it so?: cause i can trust him
When and how did you meet?: its my brother
ONE word to describe them:: honest
ONE word to describe your friendship:: trust
Best memory with ?: to many he knows
Friend number TWO.
Why are they a good friend?: she is truthful an i known her 4 years
What makes them unique to anyone else?: she white LOL
When and how did you meet?: n 7th grade we had all da same classes
ONE word to describe them:: kind hearted
Do you ever fight?: nope
Best memory:: having to go pick her up from ******* one morming LOL
Friend number THREE.
How are they unique from ONE and TWO?: cause she is Brittany
Any nicknames for them? Or for you?: La britt
Do you talk on the phone?: yea somthimes not much
What do you wish you could change about them?: dat we stayed closer together
Do you fight?: nope
What makes them special?: her additude
Best memory:: when she was drivin albert car n burg dat one day LOL
Friend FOUR.
Something not many people know about them:: dat my mom LOL
When and how did you meet?: when i came out her pussy
Share any hobbies?: nope
Can they sing?: naw
What kind of music do they like?: hip hop and r&b
Do you fight with them a lot?: nope
Best memory:: buyin me a new car
Sorry, friend FIVE, but I think we get the picture. You have great friends.
Now, on to music choices, yeah?
Band:: young joc
Best Song:: i know u see it
Another Band:: latoya luckett
Best Song:: torn
Another?: rihanna
Best Song:: unfaithful
Come on, one more band:: kanye west
... and, the song?: through the wire
Is there a station that you like the best?: 103.9
What music do you HATE?: hard metal its tooo loud
Is there a song for every emotion?: yea
Which are you feeling right now?: reagular
What's your FAVORITE all time song (as of now) ?: unfaithful
Status?: in a relationship
Like it?: yea
Last relationship length:: 2
Longest relationship:: 2 1/2 years
Shortest relationship:: 6 months
Best memory:: ummm dont let dat shit worry you
Worst memory:: dont let dat shit worry u either
Most recent ex's name:: Delmar
Why did you break up?: baby mama drama
Mutual, or one sided?: mutual
Do you have a crush right now?: nope
Names, please.:
First kiss:: gizzy
Virgin?: yea LOL
Best relationship advice ever recieved::
Best relationship quote ever heard::
Are you, or have you ever BEEN in love?: yea
What IS love, exactly?: when u find da right one who u can tell wha dey thinkin and when u with them you u feel dat special connection love is what me and perry have
Do you want to fall in love?: im n it right now
Marriage and kids someday?: yea
Have you met "the one" ?: yea
Do you BELIEVE in "the one" ?: yea
RANDOMosity, basically. Ready?
Do you ...
... drink?: yea
... party?: yea
... smoke?: nope
... drugs?: nope
... tell secrets?: yea
... like to dance?: naw not really
... like to sing?: nope
... dye your hair?: yea
... drive?: yea
... listen to music while you do hmwk?: naw i dont do hmwk
... DO your homework?: if i have it ill do it n skool
... make good grades?: yea all da time
... have pets?: nope
... like to read?: yea
... skinnydipped?: nope
... fallen from a great height?: nope
... broken a bone?: nope
... had a major surgery?: nope
... kissed a total stranger?: nope
... skydived?: nope
... bungeejumped?: no
... lost someone you loved?: yea
... made new friends?: yea
... lost old friends?: yea
... written a song?: no
... prayed?: yea
... slept under the stars?: naw
... tanned in a bed?: naw
... been deep sea fishing?: naw
... loved someone so much it made you cry?: yea
... made a mistake that you regretted?: yea
... learned from a mistake?: yea
... said something you wanted to take back?: yea
... wished you could go back in time?: yea
Just to clear some things up ... and finish this off:
Right/Left Handed:: right
What side of the bed do you sleep on?: left
Last person you slept with?: perry
Last person you hugged?: my mom
Last person you called?: perry
Last person you kissed?: perry
Last person who called YOU?: perry
Last person you texted?: Jolisha
Last person who texted YOU?: albert
Last IM?: dont do all dat
Last thing you thought?: its my birthday want imma do today
Last thing you said aloud?: umm
What was the last thing you wanted to say .. but didnt?: dont let dat shit worry
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Zane and Omar Tyree