WaT HapPenEd..hAPpENeD NoW We Baq oN oUr sHiT. profile picture

WaT HapPenEd..hAPpENeD NoW We Baq oN oUr sHiT.

♥Dam ITs CRAzy HoW OL BOY GOt mE..BUt Im lOvinG The RelatiONship wE gOT GOiNG on.Went fRoM tA

About Me

JaC'qUel~n~lorenzioI don't have everything as a matter of fact I don't have nothing except to dream of a better day and you 2 help me find my way... Being a women I am sure 2 make mistakes but 2 keep u I would do wat ever it takes... im telling you ma love is so true ill glady die and watch over u... I wish u knew how much I cared u'd see my love is true by the life we'd share... Even if u changed your mind and said our love was thru I'd still die for u cuz dats how true ma love has been for you!!a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank" ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
My Big Sister!
whats your sisters name?: jASmYrA AKa jAz
what is the age difference between the two of you?: OlDer thaN mE
would you consider her one of your best friends?: YuP
do the two of you live together?: YUP
where do each of you live?: tOGetHeR
who do you think is the better looking of the two of you?: Um tIe
what do you pick on them most about?: nOtHInG WaT hApPeNs in da hOuSE StaYs In da hoUse
what does she pick on you most about?: waT i juSs saY
which one of you is "the good one"?: bOtH
do you fight often?: yUp..wElL ARgUe
who usually wins?: Um mE
whats your favorite thing about your sister?: StYlE
whats your least favorite thing about her?: Idk
have the two of you ever fought over a guy?: NaH nEvER DnT hAvE dA samE tAsTe
who one?: NeVEr DiD
what is your least favorite thing about her?: u JuSt asKeD dAt
do you want to be just like your sister?: Um a liL..JaZ DnT gET AlL sIkEd
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My Interests

YuP i LoVe tHem lIkE My rEel SIstAHs

I'd like to meet:

LMao..lIL sIs yOu ThOuGht i fOrgoT BouT YoU CuRsED Me oUt & EVeRytHiNg AnYwAy I LOvE YoU FaVoRiTe liL SiSAlExIs aKa nuNu


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All About You and Your Boyfriend
A little about him
What is his name?: LOrENzIO anTonIO SantOs
Where is he from?: SectION
What race is he?: BLAkK
What color hair does he have?: BROwn
When is his birthday?: FEbRuary
What color eyes does he have?: BROwn IN DA sun
Where does he live?: SECtiON
How old is he?: 16
A little about you
What is your name?: Jah JAh
Where are you from?: West TreNTOn
What race are you?: BlaKK
Whats the color of your hair?: BROwN
When is your birthday?: APRil
What color eyes do you have?: BRown
Where do you live?: OUT WEst
How old are you?: 16
About everything
How long have you two been together?: 6 mONTHS IN Sum cHANge
Do you think its love?: I kNO iT LOVE WE AInt ToGeThA DiS LOnG fA NUtTiN
How did you two met?: LoNg sTOrY
When was your first kiss?: At da moViEs
Do you to make love or have sex?: Ma bUzZiNNeZz nOt Fa mYsPAcERs
When was the first time with him?: wat i JusS sAy
Was he your first?: wat da FuKk
Do you think it will last?: hELl YeA..WeLl It bEtTer
Do you believe him when he tells you he loves you?: yEa..hE B To siNcErE
When and Where did you two met?: i JusS sAId lOng stOrY
Is this the first time you two have dated?: yEa
A little more
Does he kiss you in front of his friends?: yUp
Did god send him to you?: i gUeSs CuZ He mA ANgEl
Do you want to have a future with him?: YeA
Kids?: YuP 1 BoY
Do you want to get married to him?: yEs
Is he your true love?: yEa
Do you think your life will be the same with out him?: NaH he knOS DaT
If their was one pepsi left would he give it to you if you wanted it?: yEa hE BeTtA Lol
Does he mean the world to you?: mOrE ThAn tHaT
Explain why you love him?: Cuz he ma eVERYTHing
Do you think about him everyday?: evERYdAY alL DaY
How long does it take you to get to his house from yours?: LIkE ..10 TO 15 MInutES
Has he met you parents? if so do they like him?: Nah NOT yet
Will you do anything for him?: YeA Da sky's Da lIMit
Would you die for him?: LOL Welll..ILL lIvE For hIm
If a bitch got inbetween yall would you woop her azz, or let it be?: ILL lEt It BE..If WE have TrU LoVe NuttiN CAn Get BEtweEn Dat RiTE
Is there drama in you alls relationsip? if so how much: WELl tImE HeRE N tHeRe We hAvE OuR UpS N DoWN..nuTtIn wE cAnT hANDLe
Are you going through the good or the bad?: gOooOooOd
Does he take your breath away?: yeSs EspEcIAlLy hIs kIsSes
Is he different around his friends?: LoL..WElL
Does he show you off?: lOl welL
Have you been to his house?: siStAHs
Have you spent the nite wit him?: naH NoT YeT
Fallen asleep in his arms?: Nah
Do you want to die with him?: dNt wANt me oR Him tO DIe
Would you follow him out the country?: yUP
I hope da best 2 u & him & I hope it last 4ever & I hope yall live happy
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