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About Me

Just your normal everyday guy... like cars, boats and anything with a motor.
When the going gets tough, buy an f'ing' helmet because life waits for no one and if it tries to pull you down you better go down punching that son of bitch in throat or you'll regret it forever.
On another somewhat interesting note I had the grand opportunity to be on Spike TV's "Bullrun"... I'm a member of the first season's cast and was lucky enough to make it to the final 4... not final 3 mind you, but the final 4... nice right.
Just click on Spike TV
We then had yet another opportunity - this time it was to participate in the Real Bullrun Rally from Montreal to Key West this past May. We had the oldest car at 39 years of age, but we hammered through for 2800 miles and ran against Porsches, Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and all sorts of other exotics. That being said, if you guys think you know what fun is... well... lets just I've had more than most and plan on continuing this trend...
Now we have a new project and it's something that will literally blow your doors off, so stay tuned because I can assure you've never seen a ride this bad ass before...
Thanks for stopping by and drop me a line if you can -
Cheers -

My Interests

Well - this video was made a fan who just so happens to have made skillz with the ole' computer! Take a look...

My 1968 Dodge Charger chasing a Ferrari F430 around the race track in Savannah, GA... WHO'S THE MAN!

My 1968 Dodge Charger putting the CRUSH on some Lamborghini Gallardo's on the autocross course... WHO'S THE MAN!... again...

I'd like to meet:

I already met her.... and married her.


Country, Metal, Jazz, Blues... I love it all.


Smokey & Bandit and CannonBall Run - obviously two of the greatest pieces of cinematic history ever filmed... shocking no Oscars for either... eh? Army of Darkness is also in there right along with The Shawshank Redemption, The Blues Brothers and Aliens.


For some reason I can relate to "My Name is Earl" and the "King of Queens".


Nelson DeMille... now that is one funny man, read Gold Coast, you will f'ing role. DeMille is the king of satire and his wit and sense of humor are second to none. I promise you will not be dissappointed.


People that do the daily grind everyday and take care their families... they're superstars in my book.