Well - this video was made a fan who just so happens to have made skillz with the ole' computer! Take a look...
My 1968 Dodge Charger chasing a Ferrari F430 around the race track in Savannah, GA... WHO'S THE MAN!
My 1968 Dodge Charger putting the CRUSH on some Lamborghini Gallardo's on the autocross course... WHO'S THE MAN!... again...
I already met her.... and married her.
Country, Metal, Jazz, Blues... I love it all.
Smokey & Bandit and CannonBall Run - obviously two of the greatest pieces of cinematic history ever filmed... shocking no Oscars for either... eh? Army of Darkness is also in there right along with The Shawshank Redemption, The Blues Brothers and Aliens.
For some reason I can relate to "My Name is Earl" and the "King of Queens".
Nelson DeMille... now that is one funny man, read Gold Coast, you will f'ing role. DeMille is the king of satire and his wit and sense of humor are second to none. I promise you will not be dissappointed.
People that do the daily grind everyday and take care their families... they're superstars in my book.