Wow, everything from High Fructose Corn Syrup to Analog Sequencers . . . my new favorite.
To be more specific. . . nutrition and health, new music, rediscovering old music, trying to make music, some elements of fashion (being trendy is NOT on the top of my list), make-up artistry, photography, objet trouve, art of every kind, cooking, drink mixology, bathroom humor (yes, poop makes me laugh), critters of every shape and size (although I abhor most bugs, I know they serve a purpose), scents fascinate me, color theory, reading (which I should step up a notch), good cartoons, joking around (this includes mean pranks), neuroscience, the internets, Landon's mouth, Mexican Beer, keeping it in the family,bibimbap, and much more.
What a stupid subject, "whom I'd like to meet". I'm changing it to:
. . . should come from the core of your heart and the deep recesses of your imagination. It's a global uniting force that transcends language barriers. For better or for worse, it shapes minds and defines generations. Sadly, it's fallen into the hands of money-hungry corporate giants and this has changed the face of music drastically. We're inundated by pure crap because crap is easy to sell to the masses. It's also easy to reproduce the formula for said crap, which makes selling crap a very lucrative business. Why do you see pop stars selling soft drinks? Is it because they really believe in a soda? Come on! She's selling Pepsi with her new hit song because it makes her wallet fat and gives her 30 more seconds in the limelite. Take it upon yourself to dig a little deeper to find the true gems. Please don't sit back and let the radio waves numb your eardrums. Don't give up on music!
I love new recommendations by the way.
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Turn up the volume and clean your house to this:
They're fun to work on.
It's good for watching movies.
I read to learn, and THAT is entertainment to me. So I won't be discussing some fabulous author with you, unless he wrote a book on nutrition or 500 ways to cook squash.
Every member of my family, many of my friends, and a few random strangers.