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i'm heather
my friends are actually the best
i love all the people i have the fortune to live with
i love all the people i now have to live so far away from
i dye my hair, only i now dye it more ginger than my natural colour, haha
cosmic blue is a lie, damn the dye company
i love piercings, i have 10 and still want more
i hate marmite, it smells bad, accept it
i love the winter
i love stinabelle, shes the reason gigs are good
i’ll always love kayleigh, she takes me to the best places
jen calls me fat, i love her still
amy makes me smile always, i love her and i dont know what i'd do without her
dee is amazing, if somewhat random =)
claire m has to be the most dumb clever person of all time
charlie is the most gorgeous person, and plays flute so well ::jealous::
rach is crazy, in the best possible way
claire baker lives up to her name...i may get fat, but i'll damn well enjoy doing it
cloudy...ahhh, what a name and what a girl, you'd love watching her shake her tats!
chars the kindest girl ever, except she didnt feed me roast =p
pip is stunning, enough said, and by far the most fun drunk of all time!
i love jonny for always being so understanding and having the best film collection ever
adam makes me laugh so hard it hurts, if you knew this boy you'd love him too, especially once you've seen his calves!
i love justine, lucy, tash, cat, anna, lou, chloe and all the girls i spend my time with, they make my life so much better, i hope you all know how important you are to me
i live for gigs
fancy dress is good, in fact, its the best
i miss chambers, actually loads
im vain, but not shallow
i can't live without eyeliner, especially barry m
i love the smell of petrol
i need a job, im the most poor thing that ever lived right now, damn student life
i love so many people
the people i love the most i refuse to ever lose
i love nottingham
but i'll always miss my home
i wish things were perfect all the time
i know things never are perfect
i ♥ these people
you want need these people in your life
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