::duchess:: profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

hmm..i don't know what to say,just be happy always,coz when u smile,its like the whole world receive a cheerful sunshine....lagi satue,love yourself, nobody is perfect...just call me dibah..adios amigos...(JustAsimpleGurlLikeNumber7)

My Interests

i like making chaos in my life...hehhee

I'd like to meet:

IF YOU'RE A HUMAN.....jom kiter kawan...lets make friends....nothing much to beg,just a beatiful friendship.....ikhlaskan hati..tuh jer...n one more thing...@born in 7 december 1988 @[email protected] @love NISTELROOY and MAN. UTD @and MILAN BAROS and LIVERPOOL @hey..just feel free to contact me!!!!


today's hit.....somewhat we called music...bukannyer sumtih'yang takleh terimer otak


first.....city of angels(meyentuh hati) 2....so close(bestnyer blasah org) 3....strictly ballroom(nak nari salsa one day) just sumthin' yg ader motif yg nak di bgtau pader org yg nontonnyer..........


best nyer tgk tv.....luv astro so much...and i like csi...plus citer survivor.. suker gak ngan 2 guys a girl and pizza place...cool comedy...bestla tgk citer tv series yg lawakk..


luv n life.... teen prob.... ,i mean, luv to read the shopaholic series....kalo novel malays, bleyla sket2.....cumer kalo buku inggeris, suker yg bestsellers....kalo tak bestsellers pon takper asalkan topik dier tak serius sgt .....i'm a playful person.....hihihi.....any books to recomment....bley gak..silekan go on


heroes????..let me think...of course my dad....he is the greatest...cumer minat gak ngan clay aiken...super cool+polite person..hihihih

My Blog

akhirnya...i've made it...hihi...

hmm...akhirnya...aku berjaye gak...aku dah naik ktm yg pergi MID VALLEY...hari tue khai ajak aku gi tengok citer 7 perhentian...dah tau aku malas tgk citer b.m,ajak gak...ish2...dah sebab ani dah book...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ehh...between these days..argh.....

hmmm.....u know what....few days back,i met this boy...dekat ym laa....kitorg contact by sms jer...takdernyer nak dating kat bln poser nih....besides, i never done this stupid attitude....yerla...he w...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

get TaNgLeD up.....seriousla...tak main2 la...

heyy....aper khabar people??....hmmm...miss me...yeah..i kind of miss entering blog nihhh...hihihiih...alah kalo eden taip bebanyak pon bukan ader sesaper pon yang bacer.....takperlaaa....untuk legaka...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

aper yg ader haaa...let me think...

:tongue: hihihihihih...dah lamer tak bagi blog...biaserla..pekser endyear...kener bacer buku...tapi takper...okla sumer...slamat berposer...and....jgn ponteng tau...nanti la anta lagi blog...dah pukul...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ehhhh...camner nih ha....

ello...nih nak cepat nih...n tak tau nak cakap aper....cumer..kalo eden dah balik rumah nanti...barue bley panjangkan blog...bley citer byk nanti..so..evri body..take good care..bye...NOBODY'S PERFECT...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ish2....buhsan giller kursus langhkawi tue

hai... aper khabor...dah lamer tak antar blog....lagipon, eden dudoks asrama, tak heranlah...oooo,nak cakap psl kursus 3 hari kat langkawi tue ker,eeeeeee.....malas nak citer, sebab akue tak raser bes...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

haiiii...i'm starting my own blog..yahoo

haiii sumer...nothin to say...just..besok balikk skola balik..bohsannyer...lagi satue..habis bacer buku nih..tajuknyer>>>pip<<< by freya north..bestnyer..anyway keje addmath tak siap lagieee....camner...
Posted by ::duchess:: on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST