I once was tricked into eating rocky mountain oysters and saying that I liked them. I also don't shave and have yet to reach puberty at the age of 21. I never learned how to spell which also makes it hard to read so good. I'm cross-eyed and color blind in one eye which is hard to explain. My dogs don't know any tricks and I am secretly disappointed about it, but I don't let them know. I imagine this is how my mom feels about my spelling but she lets me know. I drive often because of laziness, and I sometimes became violently allergic to water. sometimes I put words into the past tense because I don't know any better. I like reading but I never do because of reasons mentioned above, and in some kind of dramatic irony my book on tape subscription expired. I once sneezed rice out of my nose, I was not alarmed until I realized that the last time I ate rice was a month ago. I like Bigfoot but he does not like me, and I don't think the letters i'm sending him apologizing for "that incident" and helping. My dad makes jeans but jeans don't make my dad. I liken my Speedo to superman’s cape, without it I am just an ordinary man. I once got hit in the face with a golf club and I did nothing about it but cry. I used to eat paper when I was 5, until paper fought back, I did not poop for a week.