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Paul Tobin

About Me

Latest major project is the BANANA SUNDAY trade compilation, which you can purchase from here... Powell's Books or here Amazon or at any good comic store.
Here's what Publisher's Weekly had to say about the graphic novel..."This charming paperback collects four issues of Nibot and Coover's delightful comic book series, Banana Sunday. The story introduces Kirby Steinberg, a high school girl with an unusual problem: she lives with the three divine monkeys. Literally. They are the Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil trio, and Kirby is charged with caring for them. Luckily, she makes fast friends with another outsider, a girl reporter named Nickels, and a photographer named Martin. Together, they look after the monkeys, try to keep out of harm's way and even have some fun, too. The story is brisk entertainment, not so dissimilar from Archie comics but with a decidedly hip, contemporary edge. High school, monkeys and romance make an excellent combination."
Currently, I'm working to a be a novelist, doing the whole "shopping for an agent while revising" dance. My finished books are...
C-C-CHIGGER: A novel about a man who was imprisoned by his mother during his youth, and the odd and unweildy immortality that results.
RED ZIPPER SIDEKICK:: A "coming of age" story for humanity as a whole, concerning the lives of Nate and Kevin, with Nate out to prove that he has the fastest gunhand in all creation, surpassing even that of God's.
BANANA SUNDAY NOVELS: These books will be a series for middle readers, concerning two young girls becoming aware of The Boggles, a world just at the corner of their eyes. And there's talking monkeys. While very different in plot, the Banana Sunday novels use some of the same characters as my Banana Sunday comic, for which the compilation was recently released.
Click on this link to purchase the Banana Sunday comic compilation from Powell's Books
Here's a link to one of my short stories, just out in the newest issue of super sweet Spork literary journal. SPORK STORY
Here's Colleen Coover's illustration for my story. Brilliant, as always.
Currently, I am also working on a novel entitled "When I Win the Lottery I Will Use the Money to Ruin You." My novels often are a bit strange, but this one is turning out particularly bizarre. It is set in the modern day, but stars Oscar Wilde, and on the surface level concerns Oscar and his friends using a series of weekly plays to try to both get over the trauma of a friend's murder, but also to discover who the murderer may have been. Past that, on a deeper level, it is a look on whether today's permissive attitudes towards homosexuality (and sexuality in general) may actually lessen the draw of the actual physical act, as that which is the most forbidden is often that which is therefore the most desired.
For comics, Colleen and I are working on an original graphic novel entitled, "FRECKLED FACE, BONY KNEES, and other things known about Annah." In it, a series of narrators give their opinions about Annah, a woman in her early twenties. Chief among their discussions is Annah's story of having her Penfield Homunculus (a neural section that manages the sense of touch) removed at the age of nine, and subsequently turned into an actual living breathing sister, one that was in control of all feelings and emotions. Perhaps not coincidentally, Annah's parents divorced when she was nine, forever mentally scarring the young Annah.
Here's a look at a page in progress, sans lettering.
I've also had lots of other short stories published, and lots o' comics. If I died today I would be survived by Colleen Coover, my brother Mike, my parents (Chuck and JoAnn) and the myriad ghosts of those who have fallen at my merciless hands.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everybody on my "heroes" list. Plus pretty librarians.

My Blog

Conspiracy Theory

All I'm saying is this---I was nine panels away from finishing a specialty script for the Department of Energy (featuring Iron Man and Modok) and then suddenly I lost all power. Coincidence?
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:09:00 GMT


Just finished my most productive month ever for the merry ol' folks at Marvel Comics. Here's a complete listing of what I've been up to. PAUL'S "WHY I HAVEN'T RETURNED YOUR CALL / E-MAIL OR DONE MY DI...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 02:40:00 GMT

Check my Pulse

The Pulse put up a recent interview with me. It mostly concerns my work on the upcoming King Size Spider-Man Summer Special, but there's also a rundown on what all I'm writing these days, which helps ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 00:31:00 GMT

King Pancake Eyes

Not a bad weekend. Finished a lot of work, including two scripts for a comic that hasn't quite been announced. It's fun stuff---I like to play with superheroes, and for this title I get to play with (...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:55:00 GMT

What If

Working on novels is the work of a fevered madman, and I've been taking a break from it of late, recharging my batteries by having fun doing comics. Actually, working on novels IS fun's just ...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 11:39:00 GMT

"What If" interview

My pal Jeff Parker and I were interviewed for our work on an upcoming "What If" comic from Marvel. Here's the link to the talkin' In other news...her...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:53:00 GMT

Paul gets Newsarama-d

Newsarama, the damn fine comics site, has posted an interview with me, wherein I say some good n' smart stuff, and more or less don't come off sounding like too much of an ass. Always a plus!  H...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 21:24:00 GMT

Stumptown. Finally. Geez.

Today, idling through pictures on my camera in hopes of finding naughty photos of a friend, I ran across a run of photos from this year's Stumptown convention. I'd pretty much forgotten I even took mo...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 18:33:00 GMT

Some painter named Rembrandt

Colleen and I went and saw the Rembrandt exhibit at our local museum yesterday. We've been meaning to do it for a couple months, but we cleverly put it off until a few days AFTER Colleen's museum memb...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 20:01:00 GMT

San Diego Comic Con

Well....I'd meant to do a great big ol' blog about my experiences at the San Diego Comic-Con, but a good deal of deadlines and other detritus of life intruded, and now that I'm finally getting around ...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:08:00 GMT