Paul profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Pretty down to earth, very open minded, can talk, ask, or ask anything,and if you agree or disagree, then i respect your opinion, I like to help friends with advice if needed, and have a lot of respect for woman,and love animals in general, 2 major things for me. I like to laugh and have fun, but also know when to be serious. but who doesn't? I dont judge you off the bat, and vice versa. Im a nice guy, but i am assertive. well thats an auto bio for you, well partially. Take a chance!!!!!lol
My IM Screen names

Yahoo SN: pont_1967gto
AIM SN: Babyfoodexpress
Msn SN: [email protected]

My Interests

Animal Lover, Bass Guitar, Auto Events/Cars, Exercising, The Ocean, Mountains, Camp fires, Hikes, Swimming, Hacky Sack, Art, Outdoors, Rainy Days, Movies, Dancing, Night Life. Much much more...

Ask Ill Tell anything.....

I'd like to meet:

People who are down to Earth, you know, people who like to laugh and have fun, but know when to be serious. People who are open minded, and people that show communication, bcause who are COOL!!!!!!lolI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (


I am opened to different types of music, anyhting that i think sounds good ill listen to.


Anything with:: Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp, Kevin Spacey, and more, but i am opened to any type of movies as well.


Dont watch much TV, but when i do i get stuck on stupid, because i cant look away from the TV, but when i do, im opened for a lot.


I dont read as much as i should, but if i did, im not sure what i like to read under the "Book" Category, so im picky, but if i come to like it, then i know better what styles of reading i like,


People who find ways to save whats left of rain forrests, our planet, our country, or freedom.....

My Blog


(i don't mean to offend anyone by this because this isnt what i wrote this for)I remember a good era, an era where at school, where things use to be cool, i mean i know we've all had our emotions whet...
Posted by Paul on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 07:49:00 PST

Video Posts

I decided that when i find a really funny video, i can pos them on herePulp Fiction...The Shorter Version Liquid Lady..... Arnolds pissed ...
Posted by Paul on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:29:00 PST

Organ Transplanting

So i was watching the news today, and there was this guy who was doing studies on "Organ Transplanting" And says that its not fair that if people don't become an organ donor shouldn't recieve organs t...
Posted by Paul on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 07:51:00 PST

Senior Prom

Senior Prom, Was probably one of the best memories that i will cherish for a long time. I went dancing, went out to eat and went bowling with my friend & now gal Crystal. Crystal is the type of pe...
Posted by Paul on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:01:00 PST

A Fucked Up Post I Read

I read a post the other day about drinking and driving, and in the post it was talking about how this girl was driving, and got hit by a drunk driver. After the accident, it showed the after math, Whi...
Posted by Paul on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 03:53:00 PST


Jason newstead is one of my bass guitar influences because I like the way he sounds and preforms on stage. Even though he uses a pick instead of his fingers, And knowing that there are better bassists...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Drunken Night In West Sacramento

One of my best friends got drunk off of Vodka with me, and we left my house I believe Around 11:30 p.m. and somehow we ended up in West Sacramento,(about 5 miles away from my house) at ...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST