My IM Screen names
Yahoo SN: pont_1967gto
AIM SN: Babyfoodexpress
Msn SN: [email protected]
Animal Lover, Bass Guitar, Auto Events/Cars, Exercising, The Ocean, Mountains, Camp fires, Hikes, Swimming, Hacky Sack, Art, Outdoors, Rainy Days, Movies, Dancing, Night Life. Much much more...
Ask Ill Tell anything.....
People who are down to Earth, you know, people who like to laugh and have fun, but know when to be serious. People who are open minded, and people that show communication, bcause who are COOL!!!!!!lolI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
I am opened to different types of music, anyhting that i think sounds good ill listen to.
Anything with:: Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Johnny Depp, Kevin Spacey, and more, but i am opened to any type of movies as well.
Dont watch much TV, but when i do i get stuck on stupid, because i cant look away from the TV, but when i do, im opened for a lot.
I dont read as much as i should, but if i did, im not sure what i like to read under the "Book" Category, so im picky, but if i come to like it, then i know better what styles of reading i like,
People who find ways to save whats left of rain forrests, our planet, our country, or freedom.....