DiaNa♥ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

"..es una asesina ella conlleva la medicina
engañadora que te envuelve y te domina
una abusadora ella como sabe te devora
y si no tienes experiencia te enamora.."
......-Daddy Yankee.

yOuNg N FaBuLOuS
LiViN iT uP @ 22
[.iM oLd EnoUgH tO kNo bETtEr,
BuT sTiLL tOo yOUNg 2 CaRe.]

i LOVE tO gO oUt N HaVe A gOod TiMe..
a CrAzZy one if possible
iM a CuDdLe♥MoNsTeR
So Lets S n u G g Le*
StuDeNt @ DePauL UnIv.
.PoLi.Sci Major.
PiiNk iS ♥
i WeAr iT weLL.
nn RoCk iT HARD
-StoP TrYiN tO bE Me SwEeTy-
CuZ yA lOoK RiDiCuLOuS.
TaKe Me 2 The BeAcH
BuY Me CoNnieS pEeKsa
LeTs WaTCh GoSsiP GirL & *DeSpeRaTe HoUSeWiVeS*
theres only *ONE* team for me!
♥CHEeRs To Me♥

"i wrote the story myself. its about a girl who lost her reputaion and never missed it."
......-mae west

My Interests

lollipopgrlz11 && dg2piink

I'd like to meet:




My Parents♥

♥My FaMiLY
ThE BaBy GirL oF 7 KiDs
iM JuSt a LiL SpOiLeD
i LoVe My BrOtHeR & SiStErs i HAVe 9 niEceS & NePheWs
(tHeY mAke Me Say "AWW" eVeRy DaY)
My PuPpeRs*
TheSe TwO LiL oNeS MaY NoT b My HeRoeS,
BuT tHeY aRe DeF. PaRt oF tHe FaMiLy♥

i ♥ My BeBeS!
ChAnCeS aRe TheY SLeEp, EaT, & DrESs BeTTeR ThaN YOU aNyWaY.

My Blog


Posted by DiaNa♥ on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST