Work, Car, Music, Meaningful Beings.
Someone with some insight to life, and what you think your purpose is with your time here. Enlightening people with enlightening thoughts. Successful people is always cool to meet too as they are inspiring when it comes to living an enriched life. I wish that I could do it as gracefully as they do...
Rock, Metal, Rap, Hip-Hop, Spanish Classical, Latin Jazz, some new and old school Jazz, electronic, some Drum&Bass
Here's a video from my cousin's B-day weekend in Vegas. Keith breaks in at just the right time. Coincidence? I think not!
Where did good ol' funk like this go?!Inspiration for me to start practicing again...Live Band in Santa Monica. Ken... something
Band. Probably the best show of the day.
Practicing some improvised soloing technique over a Robin Thicke Track.Azusa Canyon Road...Glendora Mountain Road...
The only T.V. that I really watch is the Science, Discovery, History, Food, Comedy Channels. Informative stuff.Home...The Family Dogg Lady:
Hmm... I'm not really into books... I'm into reading things that I find informative.
Anyone that steps out of the normal relm of humans... If you are a giver of care to others just for the sake of being a nice person trying to help. You're better than most...I'm spoiled... I have mountains to run away to when overwhelmed with society. And the ocean for some relaxation and clearity for the soul.