Mr. Tired profile picture

Mr. Tired

A respectful edge will cross it's path against flesh in a hypnotic dance of self destructive indulge

About Me

If destiny chooses to... then I am a being that'll cross your path as a friend if you allow. Or the opposite- a socially selfish (but fair), uninterested person. Please be well mannered, and attempt to attain some light with a proper delivery on our first encounter. I welcome your thoughts as I will gladly share with you mine. I'm just another person with my talents kept hidden, and yet acknowledged for my skills. I enjoy meeting artists, musicians, and ponderers. Marvel in my famed ability to wallow my soul in the dark pool of dreams that I choose to drown myself with. In contrast I'll gladly disperse what light that was gifted upon me to my friends. Pick a vein that you'd like to trace as I'm highly decorated from the outside looking in. A personality that easily out weighs most signs of wear and tear. My loyalty to be an honest friend shall be my mark in the pages of life that I've been granted the opportunity to share. My desires are far more simplistic than what you think you know. Most of my complications delivered are from internal conflicts with beings that I struggle to understand. I have no heart or sympathy for people who tend to only take and never give in life. For everything else fruitful and meaningful in life, those are the highlights of this existance. Want not, waste not... this life. My friendship resembles that of a hit and run. To make a meaningful impact before leaving this world to consume itself.

My Interests

Work, Car, Music, Meaningful Beings.

I'd like to meet:

Someone with some insight to life, and what you think your purpose is with your time here. Enlightening people with enlightening thoughts. Successful people is always cool to meet too as they are inspiring when it comes to living an enriched life. I wish that I could do it as gracefully as they do...


Rock, Metal, Rap, Hip-Hop, Spanish Classical, Latin Jazz, some new and old school Jazz, electronic, some Drum&Bass

Here's a video from my cousin's B-day weekend in Vegas. Keith breaks in at just the right time. Coincidence? I think not!

Where did good ol' funk like this go?!Inspiration for me to start practicing again...Live Band in Santa Monica. Ken... something Band. Probably the best show of the day.


Practicing some improvised soloing technique over a Robin Thicke Track.Azusa Canyon Road...Glendora Mountain Road...


The only T.V. that I really watch is the Science, Discovery, History, Food, Comedy Channels. Informative stuff.Home...The Family Dogg Lady:


Hmm... I'm not really into books... I'm into reading things that I find informative.


Anyone that steps out of the normal relm of humans... If you are a giver of care to others just for the sake of being a nice person trying to help. You're better than most...I'm spoiled... I have mountains to run away to when overwhelmed with society. And the ocean for some relaxation and clearity for the soul.

My Blog

Time for new marks

So as an overall description of the continuing process of life, I must say I am rather content. I think I'm finally fitting into my newer phase in life. I'm beginning to see the new future that await...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:35:00 PST

The end of an era, marking the start of a new one.

As of yesterday it offically marks the end of an era for me. One of my customers mentioned some of that to me before I left T.S.M., and I really can't describe it any better than how&nb...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:22:00 PST


I am distilled in a self-created moment of Deja-Vu.For a moment the stillness of familiarity feels foreign.The surrounding sights and sounds have been unaltered.But the meaning of this exact...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:03:00 PST

Wounded again

Left with an open sore for my soul to leak out of. I hate this shit.
Posted by Mr. Tired on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:25:00 PST

Change... Could this be my new hobbie?

Anyone that knows me well enough will tell you how comfortable I am with my routine. Change was never something that I liked. None the less change is required for any being to progress in life. I stop...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 12:03:00 PST

The filtering of life is well deserved

Normally, I am not one to make comments of what this planet and it's inhabitants are doing. I will admit I have always been one of the many typical beings to only care selfishly of what I do with my l...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 11:23:00 PST

An article that displays my soulful intent

Friendship and Aging Whenever I think about the kind of person I'd like to become, I think of Maya. She lived on a ranch in Nevada with a wide view of the plains and plenty of room for guests. People ...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:51:00 PST

What my soul has been craving for...

So far my trip here to New York has been quite the experience, both good and bad. I said bad, because I had a not so great moment loosing my damn cell phone. This by the way is my life with all my con...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 01:02:00 PST


Let your ambition guide you today. You need to start making some important moves. In Detail Listen to that voice of ambition in your head today when it tells you that you need to stop thinking about h...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:27:00 PST

The making of a self assigned scar

Today marks a new day where my heart has grown a noticeable shade darker. Internally distraught silence is the only means of an explanation for the lesson learned. I have no o...
Posted by Mr. Tired on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:21:00 PST