SHOPPING!!!!!Music, dancing, entertaining, partying, laughing, singing, having fun! But most if all ******************* MY FAMILY ******************..
Cool SlideshowsYou are 57% Bittch!
Wow! You really are becoming a real Bittch! Has anyone ever told you that? I think you need to calm it down! Before you can't turn back from being a big Bittch! Being Cruel isn't that fun!
How much of a B*tch Are you?
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I've met everyone that I need to meet in this world... Anyone else I meet is by chance or by luck. The only one left for me to meet is GOD.
I like all music except old country
Pretty Woman, Grease, Mary Poppins, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Bodyguard,
INKED!!!! Of Course!!! Check out my fine ass man on the A&E INKED website.
Books???? Whatever... Who has time to read when you have kids and myspace *:o)~ And partying!!!!
MY GRANDMOTHER. They don't make women like her anymore! Myspace For Girls Only -