speaking french and stumbling over my words.
i've been told it'll get better.
watching dvds on my computer.
having a computer that works.
walking around paris aimlessly
making french people smile
people who are up for some fun
spontaneity is pretty *chouette*
and what do we have to lose?
i just discovered corneille
trust company
fall out boy
october fall
anything that elyse gives me.....
looking for some new suggestions...
everything and anything
but my repertoire has been limited recently to grey's anatomy and the oc
Une enfance d'ailleurs -
- J'étais un enfant sauvage, sans aucune vocation à devenir un homme civilisé -
- . . .son fort est celui des noms commuyns, viles chaussettes, puants sandales où n'importe quel quidam peut glisser les orteils sales de sa personnalité insignifiante. Ave MOI morgan mourra, noyé dans l'innombrabilité des morgan -
Wolverine, cause baby i love you