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I am an attempt to answer the question of "Why there isn't a bigger impact of Asian Americans in mainstream American culture?" I am a documentary film geared to unite the unheard voices of Asian American entertainers who have continued to try and break into a society where they are viewed as only one yellow being. I am a combination of artists who have been pushed away from getting that lead role, that music gig, or that particular job because "that Asian look" doesn't sell very well. I am a midwestern representative because Asian Americans shouldn't have to go to either ends of the American coastlines to find more of their own people. I am here to help Asian Americans know why it's important to speak up and say "I AM AN ASIAN AMERICAN AND I AM PROUD!"
"I am here to speak. Say the words. Her nearness has delivered me to this moment, an ever-lengthening moment between her breaths, that I might finally speak the words turning inward, for the first time, in my own beginning and lonely language: Do not be afraid. It is all right, so do not be afraid. You are not really alone. You may die, but you will have been heard. Keep speaking -- it is real. You have a voice."--Chang-rae Lee, The Faintest Echo of our Language