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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me



YUP - FIZZY YELLOW BEER IS FOR WUSSIES!!!(American Microbrews R.I.P. 12/05)



YUP - "At this point in time, my MS TrainSim is right where it should be, it's the rest of my life that is seriously in question..."

    Cracked.com - America's Only Humor & Video Site, Since 1958Engrish.com Happy Tree Friends(thnx JJ/Mr. Dave!) Big Bunny(thnx TATW!) Darwin Awards


    POLYCOUNT Planet Quake q2scene.net GameFlood AtomicGamerGryphon Aviation - Aircraft, missions and utilities for MS Combat Flight Simulator STEEL BEASTS.COM - The Official Fan Site REAL TIME STRATEGIC CARNAGE - The Everyday Guide to Real Time Strategy www.Train-Sim.com - MS Train Simulator, Kuju Rail Simulator And More... The Maverick's Red Baron 1 Files - Patches and utilities for the Dynamix flight simulation EVE Online - The World's Largest Game Universe
    Hack a DayUltimatecarpage.com - Powered by knowledge, driven by passion Micro RC Center - Where Micro RC Enthusiasts Gather to Share Ideas LEMACO prestige models Aster Hobby Japan NitroRCX.com - Lowest Price for the Newest Remote Control Cars, Buggies and RC TrucksSukhoi Su-47 1998-1999 Toyota GT-OneDevil Dawg Custom Cycles(UPDATED LINK = THNX [TK]! Scaled Composites, LCC: composite aircraft design, prototyping and flight testing(go RUTAN!) Neogentronyx.com - Introducing the world's first real mecha(very cool!) TEREX TITAN - World's Largest Tandem-Axle Truck(hosted by Robert Fearnley Tractors - a very cool tractor site!) A truck bigger than the Terex Titan!?!? - You better believe it! The T282B from Liebherr = THE WORLDS BIGGEST TRUCK!(courtesy of Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends) X-Planes Data Site(great site) Global Security.org - Reliable Security Information(on the left side of this page, click military/systems to get to a fantastic weapon database) Military Factory - Reference Covering Aircraft, Tanks, Guns, Ships, Generals, Battles, Munitions, Military Strengths and More(great site)
    Hornets - Gentle Giants! Entomologie Gaume Insect Images: The Source for Entomology Photos
    MAHQ - Your Ultimate Source For Gundam And Other Mecha The Register: Sci/Tech News for The World Rubber Johnny G4's Ninja Warrior Free Translation Online - PROMPT-Online Welcome to [email protected]
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AUDIOFL Studio Homepage Buzz Machines Homepage WZBC 90.3 FM globalState - the official 808 State site The Orb SQUAREPUSHER|HELLO EVERYTHING The Aphex Twin Community v4 ===¡===Rob Swift===¡=== ¤¤¤ SONIC MAYHEM ¤¤¤ DJ SPOOKY ;; That Subliminal Kid DJ Vadim ninjatune.net.home The Official DYNAMIX II Website Tanty Records - LEADING THE WAY IN NEW HEAVYWEIGHT DUB MUSIC[DJ|DUO](MySpace) [TYPE|4](MySpace) Lakeshore Record Exchange(MySpace) TomAroundTheWorld.com Tom of TATW(MySpace) [J^WHAT](MySpace] The Legendary Jones Gang(MySpace) Stone Thrower Shows(MySpace) E-Z Rollers(MySpace) Roni Size(MySpace) INFAMOUS PLAYA FAMILY(MySpace) [GAME|TITE|CEO] aka [LIL|B](MySpace) Need a drum machine for your PC? Grab yourself HammerHead Rhythm Station, created by Bram Bos - ITS FREE!(hosted by threecords.com)
[KBM] - [VILE|VINNY] - [5V3Ñ] - [£ÎMÉGRèéÑHºTTïË] - [Þ¢|DâÑ] - [H£ªTHÂ)³] - [FREEDOM|OF|EXPRESSO] - [þª¡ßØM8] - [FAT|JOE] - [THE|BR1AN] -


Katy/Jen C/Amo/Leslie(Monty's Corner/Crown),STREET MEAT, Jules/Simon/Joe(Old Toad), Todd/Faust/Fausto(Beers Of The World), LAKESHORE, MAGNOLIA'S, PARK BENCH, Bob C(Beer Lovers Paradise)...


Auntie, Tim(+Isaiah+Naomi)Butler, Mike Sperenza(+family), Mike(+Dave)Leary, 90.3WZBC, 88.9WERS, 101.7WFNX, DARHEE, Athena Raptis(+family), Mike Baldwin(SOUTHIE!!!/NE TOWING), Victor, Diana Dustin, Tina Morgan, Chris(V/O), Steve Sinatra(MILLERS CELL), Jada, Frog, Matt Mento, Ronnie, Eric Killum, Rave Rob(+Terri), Izzy&Pete, Derrick "GAYBINE", TYPE4, Annie+Pam Kenny, Jimmie "THE MACHINE", Vinnie+Bobby+Buddy Nazzaro/Steve FAB(NUZZ ELECTRIC CREW), Kid Pineapple, Povo(HOMO), Karlos, Everett/Saugus Walgreens, Beth(upstairs),..


"There's no such thing as good things or good places, only GOOD PEOPLE"

(ladies first)[Çr|$t|ñÅ]+[S@ñD®å|D]+[Dèéñå](cruesader faints from shockwave of love, gets back on his feet, grinning...), Adriana E, Mariko S, Becky M, Anna(CABBIE/naked blob tunnel pres.)+Shelly R+Wendy, Marty(should have seen the beauty 2 come, Martha), Beth(MUSHROOMHEAD), Leslie D, Beth(VIRGINSLAYER-thnx babe!)... [Tê7®í$^Mª$Tê®], [Dïþ|ÇHûÑ¢Ãñ], [TK]aka[T|MºTªíã], [ß1G|5MüVê|WèéVÉ], [KÎT], [ÇÒÓK], [ÃDÂM|D]...
This profile was hacked by crue426/could not have done it without Thomas' myspace editorâ„¢ V2.5 and PimpWebpage

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ellen muth omg so fine ;-)

blond face...

china girl...



Famous people I'd like to meet...

i am very pleased to say that i (sorta) met ellen muth on myspace and i am very pleased har har and she is my friend ;-) thnx bebe ;-) and i am very pleased ;-)

Richard D. James, Squarepusher, Detective Vic Mackey, Viktor Belenko, Paris Hilton, Dick and Burt Rutan, Chuck Yeager, ...

People I'd like to meet...




i would like to catch up with some people from my past; Las Vegas-NV, Dallas-TX, Boston-MA, Flatwoods and Harpers Ferry Job Corps, P.T.I.T. truck-driving school, and of course, all my homies from Northern Virginia...

most of all i would like to meet people that will stand by me when the going gets rough...

My Blog

4 [¬«Mµ7H廡«F¤¢KïN»¡«ÞûÇK»¬]...

JOACHIM'S ABSENCE by Pablo Neruda From now, like a departure noticed from afar,in funeral stations of smoke or solitary sea walls,from now i see him plunging to his death, and behind him i feel the da...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 22:39:00 GMT


Excerpt from a MI trooper's diary - Rain on a parade...__________________________ fiction by Black EchoWritten to illustrate the optional rule of DISABLING MOBILE INFANTRY and AREA EFFECT MUNITIONSAdd...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:07:00 GMT


"Dawn of the Bear"- fiction by Black EchoDawn of the Bear _______________________________________fiction by Black Echo used to illustrate the optional rule of SUPERIOR ECM/ ECCM and ANTI-PERSONNEL ROU...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:23:00 GMT


Ogre by Steve Jackson The command post was well guarded. It should have been. The hastily constructed, unlovely building was the nerve center for Paneuropean operations along a 700-kilometer section o...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 04:53:00 GMT