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About Me

WeLl Da NaMe Is MaRiSoL...
I bLoW dA kAnDlEz On OcToBeR 21...
Im A vErY rElAxEd PeRsOn I lIkE tO hAvE fUn WiTh My FrIeNdS aNd FaMiLlY...
I sTaY iN LoNg BeAcH oN CeDaR & 15tH sT I LiVe A nOrMaL lIfE lIKe EvErYoNe ElSe...
AnYtHiNg eLsE yOu WaNt To knOw JuST hIT mE uP..
So WiTh ThAt SaId LiVe DaY By dAy... You know it's love when forever is not long enough. It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Love is the shortest distance between hearts. Life and love are like hide and seek. People spend their whole lives looking for love, but when they finally forget to look for it, they find it. See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echos. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me. The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before. If you love someone, do not put their name in a heart because hearts can be broken, instead put their name in a circle, because circles go on forever. Love is just a word until someone you meet gives it a proper meaning..i WANT T0 BE KEPT &ND N0T lEFT F0R AN0THER.i CANT RECAll 0NE TiME THAT iT WAS JUST ME.&ND THEN iM AlWAYS lEFT WiTH0UT AN EXPlANTi0N.i D0NT lET MYSElF FAll T00 DEEP T00 QUiCK.i'VE HAD MY M0MENTS BUT iM STR0NG EN0UGH T0 CliMB BACK UP THE H0lE i DUG MYSElF iNT0.i Will N0T lET MY GUARD D0WN F0R ANY0NE WH0 W0NT D0 THE SAME iN RETURN.i'VE PUT S0 MUCH EF0RT iNT0 MAKiNG THiNGS W0RK..BUT iM liTERAllY DRAiNED..A REAlATi0NDSHiP TAKES TW0 PE0PlE, N0T 0NE TRYiNG T0 H0lD iT T0GETHER.i D0NT D0 TH0SE liTTlE H00K UPS,THAT JUST AiNT ME &ND WHAT iM AB0UT..BUT F0R N0W iM 0KAY "/ &ND STANDiNG TAll..0N MY TiPPY T0ES CAUSE iM READY T0 BE SWEPT 0FF MY FEET...
I just...;

My Interests

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