Anything outdoors. Love sports! And of course the Opposite sex!Thats girls for all you gay guys! Its an exit not an entrance. I also love to fish and blow shit up! Cow tippn is great to!
I would like to meet the makers of Super Troopers and Beer Fest because those are the greatest movies ever created. Im a huge fan of Doc Holiday as well as Mr. Brad Paisley. Captain morgan, And the Creator of the finest wiskey ever created. Mr. Crown Royal.
Country. Love Brad Paisley,whitesnake, and The Outfield all classic rock and eighties music
Super Troopers, Tommy Boy! Black sheep, and Tombstone
Pinks and ufc
Playboy, and when im feeling naughty ill go pick up some Digital books!
Tiffany Visser "Proud to be Dutch"!!!, Mike Brazil,Alex Dodge, And last but not least Zach Mother Fuckn Hogan! and Katie lynn