Music, Guitar, Bass , drums, family, friends, Tatoos, Piercings, Bands, sluts , cars, And Bling Bling niggah, and black people. test
guys with large cocks, prefibly black or hispanic
The dillinger escape plan,The daughters, Ed gein, Between the buried and me, Hopesfall, Blood has been shed, Cold as Life, Glass casket, The number twelve looks like you, Silverstein, 100 Demons, Spread the Disease, Mr.Bungle, Fantomas, Hyde, Walls of jericho, Maharahj, Converge, Mars Volta, Every time i die, underoath, On broken wings, Psyopus, ion dissonance, The police, unearth. God forbid, Fordirelifesake, Skinless, The end, Poison the well, The end of all, Caliban, Earth crisis, The locust, Day of mourning, Collective soul, Alice in chains, Stone temple pilots, Jazz music, Classical music, Silverstein, Slayer, Pantera, Animosity, A long winter, Red roses for a blue lady, Boston, Most precious blood, Funeral for a friend, Twelve Tribes, Haste the day, Dead to fall, Scarlet, Darkness remains, Bloodjinn, American tragedy, The beatles, From here on, Glassjaw, Kill whitney dead, Called to arms, A life once lost, Botch, beethoven, Dehumanized, Decapitated, Weezer, buried inside, from a second story window, everything falls together, hawthrone heights, the postal service, tony danza and the tap dance extravaganza