redheaded huskies,pitbulls, cars that work, workouts, classical music, cleanliness, lone star beer, nice soft sectional sofa's, sane individuals, , wooden floors, straight teeth, black church choirs, AND, 1500's romance novels, from England's best. And entering in dance contests,......i always loose....
people that don't preach.
big daddy kane, kelis, deaf school, death from above 1979, skin yard, ginuwine, t-rex, brother jt3, tindersticks, nick harvey, garfield akers, common, van hunt, warren g, (early) kiss, fireplace maddness-just kidding-not a band.
i like horror movies with subtitles in it.
naked fat ladies on ice, naked fat ladies showering, anything with big fat ladies- you know it BFL'S!
"marquis de sade strikes again!", and "Barbara Bush, please play another for the piano man."
that' s lame