A little about me. If you hadn't noticed already I'm a big James Dean fan. To me, James Dean is the definition of cool; a classy man. Some are born with it and some aren't. James Dean was born with it. He lived his life on his terms and my favorite quote of his and how I live my life is, "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."
I have been a Chippendale for over 17 years and got the job when I tried out with 20 other guys and made the cut. Its a great way to meet people and travel. I've been to many exciting places traveling with the Chippendales ©, but some of my favorites are Hawaii, Aruba, Trinidad and Nassau. My dream vacation would be to go to Sicily (I have relatives from there).
I am into Hip Hop & Rock music. I like working out, dancing and choreography. If you want to feed me, I really like Sushi, most seafood and Italian dishes.
What I like about women? Hair! Sorry ladies it has to be long. I like a woman with confidence and if she's got great feet, even better. Number one turn-off in a woman is Attitude, the bad kind.