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About Me


G is for generous E is for energetic N is for nice E is for eccentric V is for vivacious I is for illuminating E is for exciting V is for valid E is for erogenous...ask Frank!

Myspace Countups , Hearts Countups at

.... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!



This is Caity [this is my moms page] I LOVE YOU MOMMY!! [4/25/07]

it has been a long time

Myspace Countups , Hearts Countups at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am only as strong as the cocktails I drink, the hair spray I use and the girlfriends I have. Here's to you! Why do we only have parties for each other when one of us gets married, pregnant, has a birthday, or retires? What would most of us do without our sisters, confidants, and shopping, lunching and traveling girlfriends? Let's celebrate each other for each other's sake! Pass this on to your girlfriends! If you get this twice or more, you are lucky to have more than one girlfriend. Be happy! Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children will do better in school. And their husband will fix more things around the house. So let it go, And love you and your circumstances. Think about it. The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. The most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children. The richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely. And the word says if "I have not Love, I am nothing." So, again, love you. Love who you are. Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say "I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!" "Winners make things happen. Losers let things happen" Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman. "To the world you might be one person, But to one person you just might be the world". HERE'S TO YOU MY FRIEND!

90 kidsJust because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid.It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the nineties just wont cut it.You're a 90's kid if:You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE!"You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" (WORD FOR WORD BABY!!!!)You remember when Kurt Cobain,biggie, Tupac, River Phoenix, and Selena died.You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House"You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.You remember reading "Goosebumps"You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off"You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to danced to "wannabe" by the Spice Girls, Females: had a new motto, Males: got a whole lot gay-er. (so tell me what you want, what you really really want.)You remember the craze then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence...Not...Britney Spears before the babies.Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? was both a game and a TV game show.Captain Planet.You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the red* Ranger were meant to be together.To the last sentence you said.....hey...Tommy was the green* ranger!!!!*later to be whiteWhen playing power rangers with friends you fought over who got to be who............and still all ended up being tommy.You remember when super nintendo's became popular.You remember watching Home Alone 1 and 2........and tried to pull the pranks on "intruders""I've fallen and I can't get up"You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skatesTwo words... Trapper Keeper.You ever got injured on a Slip 'n' SlideYou wore socks over leggings scrunched down"Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black, with silver buttons, buttons, buttons, all down her back, back, back" SHE ASKED HER MOTHER MOTHER MOTHER FOR FIFTY CENTS CENTS CENTS TO SEE THE ELEPHANTS PHANTS PHANTS JUMP OVER THE FENCE THE FENCE THE FENCE he jumped so high high high he touched the sky sky sky and he didnt come back back back til the forth of july ly ly he jumped so low ow ow he stubbed his toe toe toe and thats the end end end of the elephants show show showYou remember boom boxes vs. cd playersYou remember New Kids on The Block when they were coolYou knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell"You played and or collected "Pogs"You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhereYou watched the original Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Ninja TurtlesNANCY DREW AND THE HARDY BOYS WERE THE BEST MYSTERY BOOKSYikes pencils and erasers were the stuff!All your school supplies were "Lisa Frank" brand.(pencils.notebooks.binders.etc.)You remember when the new Beanie Babies were always sold out."who loves orange soda? KEL loves orange soda. Is it true? I do, i do, i do--oooo."You used to wear those stick on earings, not only on your ears, but at the corners of your eyes.You remember a time before the WB.You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"You know the Macarena by heart."Talk to the hand" ... enough saidYou thought Brain woud finally take over the worldYou always said, "Then why don't you marry it!"You remember when everyone went slinky crazy.You remember when razor scooters were cool.when we were younger:Before the MySpace frenzy.Before the Internet & text messaging.Before Sidekicks & iPods.Before MIKE JONESBefore PlayStation2 or X-BOX.WHEN LIGHT UP SNEAKERS WERE KOOLWhen you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.When we recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie.When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.When 2Pac and Biggie where alive.When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.bill-nye the science guy.MR RODGERS!!!!gulah gulah islandWhen Toys R Us overuled the mall.2 words...Moon ShoesLegends of the Hidden TempleSalute your shorts"PETE AND PETE"Clarissa Explains It Allact like you didn't watch afro-king BOB ROSS paint trees on T.V.DID I DO THAAAAAAAAAT???smud,gak and yak back. skip it and bop it.Before we realized all this would eventually disappearwho would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!when i read dis i thought this shit was crazy

My Blog

What does your birth month reveal about you?

Take the quiz: What does your birth month reveal about you?MayStubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep f...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:54:00 GMT


okay so on top of having a baby that is 2 weeks old (today i might add) i also now have between 6 to 8 brand new baby kittens! sometime in the last 14 hours my baby had kittens! i was out all day and ...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 18:10:00 GMT

13 days old

well mary is 13 days old and and we are all surviving. she sleeps for about 4 hours a night at 1x! how cool is that even though there are nights i want to wake her dad and have him do the feeding caus...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:55:00 GMT

Mary Elizabeth

Well I finnally have a few minutes. So I can type this after 7months of complete and utter discomfort my daughter has finnally made her arrival. She is now 1 week old and I am so loving the new baby s...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 07:38:00 GMT