Football; Friends; Fun; Respect; Dignity; Courage; Hanging out with good people at good places; Meeting new good people; Discovering a true friend.
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Modern day passionate people with philosophies of their own; Confident individualists; Someone from whom I can learn.
The Visage of War
One entry found for visage.
Main Entry: vis·age
Pronunciation: 'vi-zij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from vis face, from Latin visus sight, from vidEre to see
1 : the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal
Chavar Dontae.
Our Lady Peace; Barenaked Ladies; Tool; Outkast; Jazz; Blues; Soul; Piano; Orchestral; anything but country (not to exclude bluegrass or zydeco).
American Beauty; Saving Private Ryan; The Secret of Nymh; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Goonies; many, many, many, more.
House; Pardon the Interruption (this show makes my day); History Channel; Intelligent animation; Heroes; Football; Basketball; And the occaisional gameshow.
I have to be honest; I don't read nearly as much as I should or used to, but I can't wait for the new Harry Potter. I will read that entire series for my whole life. If you haven't read it, then you are missing out; Dan Brown; Michael Crichton; Iceberg Slim.
First and foremost, my mom. After that, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Jesus, people who stand up for what they believe in no matter the cost, teachers that care about their jobs, Thomas Harold Anderson, individuals with pure integrity.