Theater, Movies, Clubs
I would like to meet anyone who wants to meet me.
I like a little of everything
I love movies! I am not a big horror movie fan.
I love my DVR!! I AM SUCH A PRIME TIME JUNKIE!!! Mondays I watch Heros, One Tree Hill, House Tuesday 90210, Thurday Smallville (more my husband than me, its his fav. but I like it too) Greys Anadomy, Super Natural, ER not so much since all the god cast is gone. Ulgy Betty, Desprate Housewives, and my new fav. TrueBlood on HBO. and how can I forget... Days of our lives.
What to expect when your expecting for the 5th time!!!! Then it will be back to hitting the book for school. I really do love to read I just wish there was more time in the day!!!
Teachers! Any community leader. My Children who I learn something new from everyday.